Being A Racist Is Confusing
I don’t know about you, but all this talk about race confuses the hell out of me. First I know I am a racist, because Liberals tell me that I am, and as we all know if a Liberal says something, it must be true. It seems to be simple things that make me a racist, for example, I did not vote for Obama, I think his policies are hurting America and I think Affirmative Action is a thumb in the eye on our society. How this makes me a racist I don’t know, but Liberals think it does, but it confuses the hell out of me.
Even more confusing, there is a group called the NAACP, which stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, yet if I call a black person a colored person, I am automatically deemed a racist. The group has colored people in its name, yet you are a racist for using the term, it confuses the hell out of me. There is also a foundation called The United Negro College Fund, but once again if I say negro the tag of racist is once again clipped on to me, go figure.
To make things even more confusing, even if you compliment someone’s race, you know, say something nice about them, once again branded a racist. I have always heard that Chinese people were good at math, but I am called a racist if I say it. Also, black people are good at sports, is that a bad thing, saying that they are good at something? Well according to Liberals, that automatically makes you a racist, talk about being confused.
Let’s look at another confusing statement. A man from France is called a Frenchman, that’s OK, a man from England is called an Englishman, that’s OK, a man from Ireland is called an Irishman, that’s OK, but God forbid I call a man from China a Chinaman, that is not OK, that is being racist. Do Liberals have any rational for that, or is it just another way for them to have something to bitch about and cause a little trouble?
Even the term African American is in question. A while back I was talking with a client, who was black, the term came up in conversation, when he said to me “Hey mon, I am not African, I am Jamaican.” He told me not all black people come from Africa, and he hates when people refer to him as African American, it’s not his heritage. OK, it seems no matter what you say today in this politically correct world, you get in some kind of trouble.
How can I not mention the Washington Redskins, that has been the name of that football team since 1933, but now, if you use the term, once again you are a racist, which is strange because only 10% of the Indian population find it offensive. There is one common thread that runs through all of these subjects, it is always the white Limousine Liberals that not only start the trouble, but always shout the loudest.
So, let’s face it, in today’s PC world, no matter what you say, there will always be some nutty Liberal saying you shouldn’t say it. You can do one of two things, you can do what the Liberal says and shut your mouth, or you can ignore them and keep saying what you want to say, I choose to ignore them.
To top it off, we have an Attorney General, Eric Holder who once said that America is a nation of cowards because they won’t talk about race, but when someone brings it up, he calls them racist, like I said, confusing as hell.
“Hey Alan Colmes I Read Your Book” A Republicans Rebuttal. Available here.
This is one man’s opinion.
So you think you’re a racist…well, boo hoo. When I was growing up if we heard ‘racist’ we just thought it showed ignorance and they really meant to say ‘racER and were talking about a track meet….Imagine my surprise at learning that was wrong! …and the embarrassment!! Whew!!!
When you say you’re ‘confused’ I understand perfectly as I share that aspect of your’being’. I admire beyond words that you are able to still put together a cognitive group of thoughts to post. Yet you do! Or do you? Perhaps because I’m confused, I just ‘think’ it makes sense.
Hey! how are the shoe tying lessons going? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Wow, thinking and common sense, I can tell you are not a Liberal. Those are two things that Liberals seem to lack.