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Is Walmart Now Selling Marijuana?

walmart_marijuanaCOLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Jan. 16, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ — One would think that Walmart is now selling Marijuana as “Always Low Prices” the multimillion dollar household slogan is now being used for an online marijuana store. Sam Walton’s slogan (rest his soul) might turn over in his grave if he knew what his prized slogan is being used for. Always Low Prices to this day is plastered all over the country side from semi trucks to buildings. One can easily get confused if they google “Always Low Prices” because there’s over half a million documents floating on the internet related to Walmart. But soon “Always Low Prices” will be known as the place to buy marijuana. Many will be confused when they see “Always Low Prices” because they will think it’s Walmart’s famous brand but instead they will see a medical marijuana store instead.

In 1995, Brad Morehouse purchased and Walmart trade marked the slogan Always Low Prices in 2003. According to law, Walmart has no jurisdiction over the .com but Walmart tried to sue Brad Morehouse in 2004 threatening Mr. Morehouse with certified letters and phone calls. Mr. Morehouse called out Walmart on their deception and bully tactics to the point where Walmart dropped the case. Rumor has it that Walmart changed their slogan to “Save money. Live better” due to the lack of control of the internet .com version It seems that is very connected to Walmart’s image or Walmart would not have given Mr. Morehouse a Cease and desist letter.

What this means is (marijuana website) can legally promote their website in any form they see fit and Walmart can also use the slogan as they see fit. This is a very strange legal conflict due to the fact that the .com was purchased prior to Walmart’s trademark and yet both parties can use Always Low Prices. Any domain names such as .net .org etc. purchased after 2003 other than the .com are protected under Walmart’s copyright. So anyone who uses the domains other than the .com will be forced to abandon the name immediately or be subject to a lawsuit.

In 2010, Brad Morehouse contacted Walmart to offer them the domain name for a price but ironically the attorneys again threaten Mr. Morehouse as the attorney obviously was clueless on the prior 2004 dispute. The attorney then insulted Mr. Morehouse with an offer of $500.00 for the name.

Walmart’s stance on Marijuana is quite confusing as Walmart had Fired Cancer Patient Joseph Casias with Prescription for Medical Marijuana yet on January 2nd 2014 Mr. Morehouse hand delivered a notice to Walmart warning Walmart of the future January 17th press release “Is Walmart now selling Marijuana?” In the notice it offers to discuss the press release before it’s sent out but Walmart didn’t bother to respond.

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