PJTV: White People & the Curse of Racism
Alfonzo Rachel lays it on the line, pointing out how white liberals continue to engage in delusional behavior when it comes to the true history of blacks and racism. Conservatives aren’t left out of this one either, because they are often guilty of ignoring the problem, instead of combating it.
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I remember that as a small child when walking with my Mother, we saw a man with one leg in a wheelchair. My Mother pulled on my arm & said “Don’t Stare, don’t pay attention to him”. I spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out “just how” would my not looking at him would help…would he grow another leg & walk?…Sound silly, but this was a child….not an adult. Yet that does seem to be pretty similar to the way we treat racism…”Ignore it & it’ll go away” NOT!! We must each discover in ourselves the courage to have open dialog and not take it so personally if rejected. There are few things we do perfectly the first time and this is no different. Apply the old fashioned “Golden Rule” . Don’t ‘tell’ others how to act, ‘teach’ by example.