With the stroke of a pen, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin returns to Fox News as a contributor while liberal bombast Chris Matthews of MSNBC loses his weekend syndicated show in July. Does this spell the resurrection of the political street bona fides of Palin who has been a lightning rod for conservatives and the national Tea Party movement since its inception?
What seems clear is that Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News has reached a conclusion that the scandal beleaguered administration of President Barack Obama is fair pickings for conservatives. And what better conservative to have on your news team than Sarah Palin who has done considerable heavy lifting for the conservative movement since Obama took the oath of office as president in 2009.
This is especially critical when one considers that the upcoming mid-term elections of 2014 are rife for the political pickings in terms of governorships, the U.S. Senate and increases in the GOP House majority.
Examine the landscape of the world of politics now where the polls are pointing toward a downward slide regarding Obama’s favorability and a notable upward surge in the public’s rejection of Obama’s handling of Benghazi, the IRS attack on Tea Party organizations’ First Amendment rights and spying on journalists.
The surge in public outrage has changed dramatically since Obama’s reelection when he cobbled together a number of key state victories with Chicago style political strong arming that would make dishonored former President Richard Nixon blush. Yet, while America was having its news hijacked by a compliant mainstream media, Sarah Palin remained on the forefront using their own vehicles to communicate the cracks in Obama’s administration armor.
You remember Benghazi, the murder of four honorable Americans, including America’s Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens scandal that would not go away? The investigation by the House Republicans continued to peel back the wall of lies constructed by the White House and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice under the direction of unnamed State Department and White House officials.
Then came the tragic massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn, in December, where gun control advocates like Vice President Joe Biden and Mayor Michael Bloomberg attempted to hustle the grieving American public by misdirecting them on who and what caused the tragic deaths of innocent children and school staff. It took leading conservative Second Amendment leaders, including NRA leader Wayne LaPierre’s to reveal the truth behind the lies being perpetrated against legitimate gun owners, and Sarah Palin was right there speaking out on Second Amendment rights.
So as the months passed and the lies began to unravel in terms of Benghazi with subsequent hearings on Capitol Hill and the embarrassing loss by the administration of their own Democrat backed gun control legislation in a Democrat controlled senate, Americans were waking up to the truth about Obama tendency for deception. This was a president and his practices that Palin had already warned about as she continued her work through the grassroots towns and cities across America.
It seems a bit ironic as the former 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate returns to Fox News that the chief bottle washer for liberals Chris Matthews syndicated show goes off into the sunset it.
This appears to coincide with a reenergized Tea Patriotism that has realized vindication in claiming hundreds of Tea Party groups were systematically targeted by IRS government intimidation since 2010.
It does matter whether if a father in Colorado who is battling for gun rights through his right to free speech. It does matter if a mother like Julie Mosher Prince founder of Conservatives Warriors in Lorain County, Ohio proudly states, “Conservative isn’t just a word,” there is a refreshed conservative sea change occurring. Sarah Palin continued presence and return to Fox News represents Act II of the conservative movement America is embracing. Can this be a Reagan-like redux?
Now, it is all hands on deck. While Obama’s scandal of the week continues to erode the effectiveness of the liberals to undermine American patriots who are committed to the preservation of unalienable Constitutional rights, they will not stop attacking conservatives.
With Sarah back in the saddle at Fox News, that should be good news for patriots and Tea Party members all over the nation to take the U.S. Senate in 2014 and the presidency in 2016.
Sarah is a lighting rod whether you like it or not. She learned the rules of “hard ball” fast & can play with the major league any time she chooses. She is a strong ‘energizer’ & can get out the vote. Agree with or not, she’s exciting!! The power of the Tea Party is a fact & she is a big part of that success.
Can’t you just picture old Harry Reid with Cruz, Paul, & Sen Mike from Utah in the same room!!! What a hoot. I hope Alaska will turn this Mama Bear loose in 2014!!!
In the meantime FOX can benefit from this ‘wild & crazy gal loaded with conservative common sense!!