Toll-free hotline seeks to assist fledgling atheists
Americans of faith recognize this nation is now firmly in the grasp of a secularist regime that ridicules the same beliefs on which this nation was founded.
There exist countless organizations dedicated to “preaching” the message of godlessness in an effort to reaffirm the ideology of nihilism while chastising those with a belief in a higher power.
Taking their outreach mission to a new plane, one organization has established a 1-800 number designed to help individuals transform from religious to atheist.
According to the Recovering From Religion website, the hotline is designed to help field “countless emails and phone calls from people seeking help on their journey away from faith.”
The group already provides paraphernalia and study material designed to help those of all faiths leave God behind. Adding the proposed hotline, the organization says, will make their effort more successful by providing “trained volunteers” to “provide real time, caller-specific support to each person who contacts us, 24/7.”
I don’t share this anecdote because I feel this group or any other should be prohibited from sharing their beliefs – or lack thereof.
The overabundance of such advocates, though, highlights a real and disturbing trend in this nation and across the world away from God and toward secular humanism. While reliance on God was touted by nearly all founders as a vital component in establishing America, societies without such authority tend to dissolve into a totalitarian ruin.
While I do not debate the right of Recovering From Religion to set up their fatalist phone line, we in the faith community have both a right and responsibility to help spread the hope and peace found through a relationship with God. The future belongs to those who are able to shape it and it is time to restore the Judeo-Christian values and morals that made this the freest and most prosperous people in history.
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