Obama’s Police State
Now do they see? Now do they understand? Is this what they want? Because this is what Obama, wants. This is the change he was talking about when he said he was “fundamentally going to change America.” He hates America and has so much as said so when he said he wanted us to be more like Europe’s economy and it wasn’t fair that we are the number one nation in the world. Now we are more like the old Soviet Union that listened in on all its’ citizen’s conversation ( In fact I remember saying at the time when the Soviet Union fell “Watch it fall there and rise here and now here it is) and this is only the beginning. Wait until Obamacare takes effect. As HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius said about that little ten year old girl who needs a pair of lungs, “Some people live and some people die.” This is what Obamcare will be as a government panel will decide who lives and who dies who gets what procedure and who doesn’t.
The left is blaming Bush for all this since the Patriot Act (I’m getting tired of hearing this blame Bush excuse they’ve been doing for five years now everyday), but under Bush they only listened to suspected and designated conversations between some suspects here and overseas to prevent terror attacks. Under Obama there are no overseas connections only here. Rush Limbaugh said it perfectly when he said recently:
“We have in the Obama administration — there’s nobody even close to the violation of privacy and civil liberties, nobody even close. They can talk about Bush here, but nobody compares to what Obama’s done.”
Even Jeff Sessions who helped write the Patriot Act said Obama’s version is way, way, way, overreaching. “Guantanamo is still open for business. News agencies are being targeted as part of a crackdown on whistleblowers,” said Anthony D. Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union. “The expanded use of drones, and now a massive surveillance program affecting millions of Americans raise the question as to whether the president’s rhetoric is fundamentally out of step with his policies and actions.” I hate to tell you this Anthony, but welcome aboard. I always said what Obama says and what he does are two different things. Always have been.
If all this spying is being used to prevent terror attacks, why didn’t they pick up on the Boston bombers? Spying on phone calls and internet users didn’t prevernt Major Hassan from shooting up a room full of soldiers as he shouted “Allah Akbar.” By he way he’s still getitng his full mulitary salary after being 14 months behind prison bars.
Now with the recent Supreme court ruling that the police can take samples of your DNA without a warrant every time you are arrested is even more restricting of your freedoms and rights. It doesn’t have to be just an arrest either, it can be for something as minor as going thru a red light.
The New York Senate passed a bill today making it a law to annoy a police officer. While this is filled with good intentions to protect our police officers who face violence on a daily basis, by using the word “annoy” it can be interpreted and expanded to anyone who gets into a minor disagreement with a cop .
This administration wants a data base on every American. Senator Maxine Waters even admitted so recently when she said “Obama has an unbelievable massive data base on everyone.”
The government is also monitoring nine internet users including Facebook, AOL, Yahoo and others and can watch literally as you type (see below).
So I ask all the Obama voters and supporters ‘How’s that hope and change working out for you?” But don’t take my for it, just check out the links from the national media below.
Spying on Americans by Obama admin includes Internet » News — GOPUSA
NSA, FBI secretly mining data from Internet firms…
Top-secret PRISM program…
Vast Data Trove…
Billions of Phone Calls…
NYT: Obama has lost all credibility...
Paper 'quietly changes published editorial to make less damning'...
IRS Workers Say Supervisors Directed Targeting...
REPORT: DC officials knew in 2010...
Obama stays silent; leaves comment to deputy press secretary...
Civil-Liberties Record Questioned...
Racist, Racist, Racist. That’s what you rightes have become. Not to mention sick, demented, hateful scumbags!
No and no, it is people like you that are a disgrace, not Obama!
Bush recognized D-Day twice during his 8 year run. It is not a day that normally brings Presidential recognition.
D-Day has only been celebrated officially on the 5 and 10 year anniversaries (60th, 65th, 70th etc…) for decades now.
Even republican demigod St. Ronnie only acknowledged the 40th anniversary…but why…OH WAIT, IT”S BECAUSE RAY_GUN AND BUSH WERE WHITE, AND YOU ARE ALL RACISTS!
he DOESN’T lie a lot despite what his opponents say and he does not play the race card at all.
if Obama was the dictator you try and pretend he is, you would all be forced to wear yellow swastikas on your clothing.
Calling the President a traitor and domestic enemy is somewhere between insubordinate and treasonous. Unacceptable for anyone to say such things about the commander in chief. To publicly call the President a domestic enemy and a traitor is seditious at best and mutinous at worst. So…Are you stupid because you believe such nonsense or are you a traitor for perpetuating known lies against your President? It’s quite simple, really. If he was the ‘worst criminal ever’, he would be in jail. He’s not. So you are either stupid or a traitor. So…Which is it? Time to start holding you dolts accountable for your nonsense again.
Obama is NOT a communist, or a Marxist, or a Socalist
Obama is obviously a corportist. Anyone looking at his record, who is aware of what the term means knows that. People who ACTUALLY studied his policies, not the racist, bigoted uneducated scumbag who believes what hate radio and head racist Rush Limbaugh tells them.
Those spewing the socialist/marxist meme are (deliberately?) misinformed or simply ignorant.
Anyone who calls Obama a fraud and a POS is without doubt a disgusting racist, bigoted piece of shite, and That’s a fact.
Plus, M. Romney was born in Detroit Michigan, which, last I checked, was within the United States. So, who cares where his father was born…… Non-issue.
Any person born within the United States (inclusive of Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands) is automatically granted U.S. citizenship.
Obama, born in Hawaii, = US Citizenship. His parents could have been martians. Their citizenship is irrelevant. If you are born in the US, you are a US citizen as far as the US is concerned. The birthers claims with regard to Obama is that he was NOT born in Hawaii.
The biggest threat and disgrace to our country is ignorant bigoted fools.
The Republican Party is not a cancer in the body of America, a party of racists and religious bigots. The President doesn’t hate this country; I believe the extremist republicans hate this country because Obama is running this country. The President doesn’t cater to one race of people; he’s in this for all races of people. See, this is just an extreme far right post, which is designed to bate racism and hatred towards the President.
no he is not a Muslim and if he was so what? Our nation is founded on principles that all can run within the guidelines. But as for Obama he has Muslim ancestors but he himself is not Muslim and is of general Christian faith.
Ah, so now we can add gay to the list of things Obama isn’t: Muslim, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Foreigner and gay. Weren’t you guys just talking about honesty?
Here’s some Honesty! Obama doesn’t Hate America, You hate Obama because You and your party are the biggest group of racists, homophobic, black-hating, extremist,bigoted scumbag fucking asshole on the planet. It’s just to a black man being elected president to bring that out.
It’s easy to tell when am Obama worshipper looses a debate, he uses the word “racist” and other derogatory adjectives. On another note, Jaycee didn’t mention D-Day, yet, Zaman felt as if he should insert that day also, sounds as if Zaman has problems and projecting one of his problems of reality.
Mr. Clayton’s article and comments regarding President Obama’s unconstitutional actions in spying on virtually every American is not racist. Why does Mr. Zaman immediately play the racist card against Mr. Clayton for making the argument that our President is trampling our right to privacy? The only racist vitriol I see here has come from Mr. Zaman, lumping everyone on the right together and calling us despicable names. Does he not see the log in his own eye?
ZaMan…Is this your IQ showing or a kissy up for a promotion?