Christmas Lives In Texas Thanks To Gov. Perry
I have to give three cheers to Governor Rick Perry for standing up for Christmas, with the passage of “The Merry Christmas” bill. Surrounded by sleigh bell-ringing Santa Claus impersonators, Gov. Rick Perry signed a law protecting Christmas and other holiday celebrations in Texas public schools from legal challenges but he also stressed that freedom of religion is not the same thing as freedom from religion.
Thank God their is a Governor in this country who has the balls to stand up in the face of political correctness and do the right thing. “I realize it’s only June. But it’s a good June and the holidays are coming early this year,” Perry said. ” It’s a shame that a bill like this one I’m signing today is even required, but I’m glad that we’re standing up for religious freedom in this state. Religious freedom does not mean freedom from religion.”
The bill’s sponsor, Republican Rep. Dwayne Bohac of Houston, said he drafted it after discovering that his son’s school erected a “holiday tree” in December because any mention of Christmas could spark litigation. “We hope that this is a fire that will take off and become laws in the other 49 states,” said Bohac, who said his bill has attracted national attention.
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Well gollleee…all of this & no income tax either. Combined with a mere 4% unemployment makes this a mighty good place to live….but before ya’all pack up & move here, best prepare to bring your 2nd Amendments with you & learn what bourbon n branch is. Also prepare to fight off illegals that swarm our ranches & scatter their misdeeds while legislators act in ignorance sorting things out. When you live with a 9 mil at your side, the border is NOT secure.
You better watch out Jan, he is in all the Liberal states inviting them to move to Texas
Not to’ll be ok. No one listens to him anyway & we all know he’s just bucking for a promotion. With this ‘oil boom’ there’s nary a place to live unless you bring your own travel trailer. In Midland IF you can find a room it’s sky high. Motel 6 gets a mere $95. a nite.
Besides, he isn’t including any Texas Bar-B-Que. (yumyum) AND we have a very special way to entertain libs….heh heh. Houston ins the exception & it’s a Sanctuary City
keep up your good work