Saudi that was questioned after bombing – deported

On the day of the Boston Marathon bombing, there was talk of a suspect, then person of interest – Abdul Rahman Ali al-Harbi. Now, that Saudi man is no longer on considered as a potential bomber, and has apparently been deported. His departure is markedly like how the Bin Laden family members were removed from U.S. soil shortly after the attacks on 9/11. Jim Robbins at drew attention to this, and the following video offered by Jim Hoft at the Gateway Pundit.

This administration seems to be more concerned with staying in the good graces of Saudi Arabia, instead of finding out the truth about what happened on Monday. They have the advantage of not having to battle with many of the members of the media over issues like this, as they have long ago abandoned their role as watch-dogs over government. However, it has been reported by Walid Shoebat that this “innocent Saudi” apparently comes from a clan with many Al Qaeda members. By his count, there are no less than 11 active or detained known terrorists in the Harbi clan. Given the past history of Saudi Arabia protecting its own illustrated by Shoebat, even if it would be found later that this man actually did have a hand in the attack, it’s unlikely he will ever face justice on U.S. soil – unless he happens to be an innocent by-stander once again.

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Liz Harrison (twitter: @GoldwaterGal)

Liz is a mostly-retired veteran political campaign worker, wife, mom, opinionated gal, fiscal conservative, anti-social-conservative, atheist, and foreign affairs/Mid-East politics junkie.

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  1. It is interesting to note that nearly all terrorist attacks on US soil have been carried out by Saudis. Yet, our unesteemed, inept state department wants to give them expedited entry into the US. There is something seriously wrong with this picture.

    1. No argument from me on that one! And I really can’t come up with a real reason for them to do that, so I keep suspecting that there are some backroom deals going on. And no, I am not a conspiracy theorist. Just thinking that if there’s no obvious reason in the public eye, there’s something going on behind the scenes.

      1. Saudi locals despise the current “royal” family and would give their eye teeth to kick them out of power. Saudi Arabia is a “friend” of convenience to the US due to that enemy of my enemy is my friend thingy(Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, and Bahrain fear Iran due both to religious(Shite vs. Sunni) and political differences.

        The other aspect besides oil is the political influence Saudi has throughout the middle east due mainly to the big petro bucks.

        Ergo, the State department and homeless insecurity kiss the Saudi’s posteriors.

  2. There are so many ‘stories’out on who, what & why that we need to really use caution & ‘get facts’ before latching on to what seems closest to our own ‘theories’….OK, now that said..I, like you all see it going this direction. It has been beyond my understanding for at least TWO decades why we are so anxious to play kissy face with the Saudis. We have enough oil to take care of us & most European Countries for time to come IF some restrictions on drilling were lifted. They have never’ liked’ us, just tolerate us. They are a stratigic location, but I suspect it’s comforting (to them) to have American military there…”fool me once. it’s shame on you, fool me twice, it’s shame on me”. …& sadly, we’ve gone beyond the ‘twice’ with these countries due to lack of leadership. Michelle may be proud of her Country for the first time, I just wish her husband? would make me proud AGAIN…

    This is one to watch ..closely..Like you , Liz, I just don’t trust what is coverd with so many secrets.

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