In The News

Putting Kids in a Bubble?

happy birthdayAccording to new rules from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, Aussie children will no longer be allowed to blow out candles on their birthday cake. Citing the possibility of spreading germs, the NHMRC recommends parents use single cupcakes with each having one candle on it.

Parents, doctors and other caregivers wonder if these new restrictions might be putting kids into a germ free bubble which, while keeping them away from contagions as a child may limit the building of a health immune system needed to fight off infections later in life. Australian Medical Association (AMA) president Steve Hambleton says it is healthy for children to be exposed to a certain amount of environmental antigens that build their immune systems.

There was reassuring news from the Perth Minister’s Department: “We’re not going to have the cupcake police out…”

One has to wonder if Nanny State promoter NYC Mayor Bloomberg has heard about this yet?

Read more at the Daily Mail.

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Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch. Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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One Comment

  1. I heard somewhere that in fact Bloomberg is the lost brother of an Aussie Health minister & they were seperated when it was discovered that they couldn’t both fit into Mama Kangaroo’s pouch at same time due to enlarged heards & mouth. Bloomer was sent to the U.S to make it off the back of others. While the other was being raised by a herd of wombats…So is it in the DNA or just another example of what happens when governmnt takes over child rearing?

    I sure hope this doesn’t make sense & is asurb as the idea of bubble wrapping babies

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