Since Barack Obama has said he is going to send federal agents into Oklahoma and other states to enforce Obamacare, what is there to make me believe he won’t send federal agents in to enforce his gun registration/confiscation scheme? If he “dictates” an executive order that I have to turn in or register any weapons and I refuse, who is going to enforce that dictate? If Congress decrees that I cannot own particular types of weapons or magazines and I refuse to comply, who is going to enforce it?
In his E/O decree on Obamacare he essentially said the states have no right to oppose the federal government, that the federal government has the final say, PERIOD!!!, he is the ultimate authority of the land . Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution say different!!! Obama and his “Gangs of ??????” in Congress, both political parties, see themselves as rulers rather than servants of We the People.
Back to: “Who is going to confiscate my weapons and any accessories they say I cannot have”? Is Obama going to send his DHS Gestapo thugs to attack me and those of like mind? Will he use the purse of the federal government to pay state police to invade my home, shoot me, and steal my private property? Will the state team up with the local sheriff and/or police department to kick in my door in the middle of the night and shoot me in my bed like happened to a man a few days ago in Auburn, Washington?
Do I have to worry about the government kicking in my door because I exercise my rights as written in the Constitution? Will I wake up in the middle of the night and find masked men in military garb at my door with automatic weapons, face masks, body armor head to toe, and an armored personnel carrier; all there with the intent to arrest me for violating a law that is clearly unConstitutional?
Some say I am paranoid, a fear monger, and a “radical right wing extremist”, for asking these questions. I’m none of those things. I am a patriot who believes in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the right to live by both as our founders intended. I am a citizen who sees rampant abuse of the Constitution by those we elect to uphold and defend said Constitution.
We see incidents like these I list becoming the rule rather than the exception. Police dressed head to toe in military garb, face hoods, and body armor are taking a “shoot first and ask questions later” attitude in everyday contacts with people. In California SWAT teams, also dressed in military uniforms and equipment, are rounding up firearms from those who have been “deemed” to now possess firearms illegally. No court hearings, no due process, just a kicked in door and shots fired if resisted.
And what about the 68 year old man shot over his medical alert bracelet being accidentally activated? Need I go on? There are literally pages of incidents where police and/or SWAT teams have needlessly shot citizens, many fatally.
During the Chris Dorner incident police riddled two different vehicles with bullets without bothering to find out who was in the vehicle before opening fire. One vehicle contained a white man who was uninjured (Dorner was black). The other vehicle contained two Hispanic women, one elderly, and both of whom were wounded. In both cases they were in pickup trucks that were nowhere near the description given of the truck Dorner was reported to be driving. It seemed that merely being in a truck at that time in California was enough to get one shot by police. Why should I believe those with the same attitude won’t just shoot me out of convenience?
Those who call me paranoid or a fear monger must see the same things I see, or do they? What do the naysayers think about the Marine who was shot to death in a 2011 Gestapo style “drug” raid that found nothing illegal? They shot this veteran 60 times in his own home without so much as identifying themselves, and then let him lay there for over an hour while they ransacked the house to no avail. If you naysayers will look at the link to this story you will find it is from the Huffington Post, hardly a “vast right wing conspiracy” publication.
How can people see what is going on every day and say it can’t/won’t happen here? Why not? How does one see DHS arming itself to the teeth without wondering why they need such armaments? Who are they going to use this military hardware on? At the same time, politicians at all levels and in both political parties are breaking their necks to disarm citizens. If we are all defenseless why do they need armored vehicles and automatic weapons with billions of rounds of ammunition? It is as if those in political office don’t believe in the vision of the founding fathers.
Those who say it won’t or can’t happen here are living in a dream world, one that will turn into a nightmare before their very eyes. There were many who said it couldn’t happen in Germany, but it did. Hundreds of thousands of Jews left Germany when they saw the steps Hitler was taking. Some went to other European countries and were eventually rounded up when German forces conquered Europe. Some came to the United States and contributed to the defeat of the Axis Powers. Some came here to live normal working class lives and survived the Holocaust that killed 6 million of their people.
We hear stories from people who have experienced tyranny in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia yet many Americans thumb their nose at those who know from first-hand experience what life is like in totalitarian societies. Those who deny what is obvious will suffer when the shoe of tyranny drops, and they will deserve what they get. They won’t be the only ones to suffer, however. An entire nation will lose the liberty won and preserved with the blood of millions of patriots. It certainly won’t give me any pleasure to say “I told you so”, assuming I survive the initial attack.
Most of us don’t have a choice but to stay and fight for our future. Some can move to countries that don’t have despots and wanna-be dictators running them but they won’t be safe there for long once America falls. When we are gone as the “shining city on a hill” it won’t be long before the rest of the world is subjected to the same tyranny we saw in 1930’s Germany.
According to the Constitution I am part of the defensive militia of America. If the government was following the Constitution they would be arming me and my neighbors instead of a DHS force that has no Constitutional authority to operate inside the United States. What is the point of disarming the citizens and arming a federal police force to the teeth with military style equipment? What possible justification do they have for this? Who do they plan to fight with all of this hardware? We are far gone from the vision of our founders.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
April 5, 2013
You paranoid?? I sure hope not! If you are you have plenty of company…I believe that we have lifted the veils that stood between “real’ & ‘assumed” & followed it with taking personal responsibility to, in part, correct wrongs though informing others.
DENIAL is a form of defense. It gives a comfort zone that is pleasant & doesn’t impose any ‘forced action’ & allows legislators to ‘handle’ our lives.(after all that’s why we have them) If you can’t see a problem, there is nothing to find a ‘fix’ for & allows travel on down the rose petaled path….Until it comes to a screeching halt…& it will. How much collateral damage not determined.
Bob, you’re right about “as America goes”. Even with a disasterous economy & corruption & political disarray we are still the GREATST NATION IN THE WORLD & most countries look to us as a standard to be achieved.This is further validated by the deluge of immigrents (legal & Illegal) that are entering our borders. NOW is the witching hour & Americans must decide if it’s worth fighting for or give it away….No Action today equals NO AMERICA tommrrow.
To thoes luxurating in Washinton…”LEAD OF GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY !!”
I believe the truth is most Americans DON’t know these things you speak of and they don’t WANt to know.
We are in trouble because;
A) We love complacency (it is just Sooooo stink-king easy and comfortable)
B) Americans “love” and are addicted to Socialism and seem to be willing to sell out their individual rights if the government will just take care of “us” (* see comment below)
C) Our government, generally in control of our educational system, has been busy for decades;
1) at the very least, NOT teaching our children Constitutional Law and the First Principles enumerated in the contract between “We the People” and the Individual better known as the Declaration of Independence – that the SOLE purpose of any government is to protect Individual Unalienable Rights!
2) At the very worst teaching our children that the Constitution is an outdated old fogy document that predates the modern enlightenment of Collective rights – that the purpose of all government is to “take care of the people” as a collective by professional or expert politicians – Tyrants – in such a manner as they deem necessary (since they are the experts) whether the people like it or not!
Did you know that the United Nations does not recognize the right if the individual to protect himself? What other Unalienable Rights does the UN not recognize? You are absolutely right that once our Nation, as a FREE people, falls there will be no more allowance for the individual to exercise his Unalienable Individual Rights!!!
No one can take away or grant to me my Unalienable Individual Rights so long as I am alive and so long as I am HUMAN (something that has already been called into question on various occasions…). They can ONLY restrict them by enslaving me!
*and now this; I just heard that our Fraudulent President has cut Social Security. Well isn’t that interesting? The premier cornerstone of American Socialism is in trouble. Imagine that! Socialism doesn’t WORK and we don’t need to go to history or some foreign example for PROOF that it doesn’t work! At my very core I despise ALL of the Roosevelts, Woody Boy (Wilson), LBJ, Truman, Billy Boy (Clinton) and the current entourage of Criminal Traitors – my apologies if I missed anyone!
And who am I? A nobody, uneducated, individual, with a brain, who simply sees the truth for what it is and who fully recognizes that Freedom Costs DEARLY!!
It is worth it!
Derrell, I agree completely.