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Florida Store Owner Jailed on Food Stamp Fraud
A Florida convenience store owner and his son were arrested yesterday and charged with Food Stamp Fraud. According to the report they would buy area resident’s EBT card for pennies on the dollar and then use the card at other stores to buy items which were then sold in the convenience store.
Read more at the Daytona Beach Journal.
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Of course this is ‘good news’. It would be even better (faster) if rather than trying to empty this bucket of corruption & fraud to punch holes all over the bottom like a sieve. These social services were designed to help those that through ‘no fault of their own’ needed help’…sadly large numbers of receiptents do not meet this statute. The ‘crimminal infractions’ are not limited to the receivers they include many of the ‘clerks’ employed to process the eligilibty. A more stringent vetting & punishment process of both might well be overdue. ?? A ‘number’ of years ago I worked as a temporary cashier in a Super Market & seeing the abuse/ misuse of food stamps, I suspected fraud & begin to ask for I.D. as well as ‘paper’ stamps. A manager overheard me & I was told to stop because “it was none of my business & I shouldn’t care”…don’t ask, don’t tell accompained by politically correct will be the death of us yet. Thanks TW, we need some ‘good news’ like this to balance our furtations