Sen Ron Johnson: Too Much Govt Hurts People
At a time when there is much finger pointing in the GOP some are looking for better ways to reach the people. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) is one such person. This week he announced a “Victims of Government” project where he introduces Americans to the effects of too much government and federal regulations. The Victims of Government series is meant to portray the impact of over-regulation through real life stories.
Watch the first installment as Senator Johnson explains the cost and expense of one man who tried a common sense approach to stop flooding in his neighborhood only to be thwarted by agency upon agency. Now more than 20 years later the man has spent all his money, is still waiting on permits. . . and there is still flooding.
Share this with your friends who don’t understand the problems of mismanagement within the giant self serving government bureaucracy.
Read the press release below:
Washington, D.C. – Senator Ron Johnson (WI), Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on Financial and Contracting and Oversight today announced the release of the first installment of his Victims of Government project. The series will perform oversight of the cost and impact of unnecessary, ineffective, and excessive federal regulations. Johnson also invited anyone who has been dealing with excess regulation to submit their stories on his Senate website.
“The root cause of our economic and fiscal problems is the size, the scope, and the cost of government – all the rules, all the regulations, and all the government intrusion into our lives,” Johnson said. “The Victims of Government series is designed to demonstrate that – in a very personal and powerful way. Over-regulation consumes massive amounts of the people’s money, too often lacks common sense, has no heart, costs jobs and economic growth.”
Today Johnson released a video explaining the case of Steven Lathrop, a resident of Granite City, Illinois who has spent more than 20 years attempting to comply with federal wetlands regulations. That video can be viewed on Senator Johnson’s website here.
Johnson also announced that he and Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) have sent a letter to the Army Corps of Engineers, seeking to clarify the regulations with which Mr. Lathrop has been attempting to comply.
Johnson said, “I am pleased that Senator McCaskill has joined me in writing to the Corps of Engineers to request their assistance in addressing Steve Lathrop’s situation. Hopefully shining a little light on this awful mess will lead to a resolution that allows Steve to get on with his life, and recover some of the investment that federal involvement has cost him.”
More information regarding the Lathrop case will be available at the Victims of Government blog on Senator Johnson’s website. Senator Johnson encourages people dealing with burdensome and intrusive regulation to share their stories, and anyone interested in the cost of regulation to check the website in the future.
At least someone is putting action behind words. I hope he is keeps an eye on McCaskil as we al have seen ‘both’ sides of her mouth works * her first loyalities don’t seem to put the common citizen first.
Ever notice how simple the Constitution really is? It isn’t a bunch of pages of legal speak, to wit, wherefores, and more or lesses. It is really pretty much to the point.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
That’s the preamble; a run-on sentence meant to capsulate the sum total of Its intent.
Why is that? Ever ask yourself why the most important document to Freedom – ever written – is so simply written? I believe the very simplistic nature of the Constitution was purposely devised because IT IS A STANDING TESTIMONY THAT GOVERNMENT SHOULD BE SIMPLE AND OUT OF OUR FACES!!!!!
The federal Government has become so complex it is a full time job to keep an eye on it. The authors of the Constitution clearly intended exactly the opposite! Initially the Federal Government was so unimposing that people simply lived their lives in freedom and the pursuit of happiness – they didn’t have to worry about a massive bureaucracy ever intent on stealing their happiness, their wealth, and their DREAMS!
If you don’t stay on top of THIS government – and even if you do – it is an everyday mortal battle (in the sense of freedom) to stand up for your Inaliable Rights! Inaliable Rights are those that are Self Evident – the Constitution didn’t invent them – to the condition of being Human on this planet!
BTW there is no such thing as Gay Rights. Science has proven that. The purpose of all life on this planet is to PROCREATE! Think about it; there is no natural precedence for homosexuality! It serves no purpose to the natural system to perpetuate any species! EVER!
But I’m off track.
For over 200 years we have more or less enjoyed a Governing system that did not intrude into our lives… too much. But beginning with T. Roosevelt Government – true to its nature – took advantage of labor issues and the Robin Hood syndrome to step into the business of Business and that opened the door for big government!
Government grows by one single means. MONEY! And with the 16th Amendment and the Socialist Woody Wilson, Government found a way to steal money from its citizens and a means by which to blackmail us to its will! With the Federal Reserve it has unlimited money! Who is surprised that the Federal government now overwhelms us with its sheer complexity!
What are we going to do about it?
Derrell Poole