Gun NewsOpinion

“Representation” Democratic Party Style

John Morse, Colorado State Senate President

Democrat leader of the Colorado State Senate, John Morse, recently stated, publicly, that he just ignores his constituents, and tells his fellow State Senators to do the same, because he doesn’t like their stand on gun control.  Now isn’t this just the height of arrogance and tyranny?  He is a “servant of the People” who swore to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”?  That dismissive and disgusted tone in his voice when referring to “some people” should be an alarm to anyone, including voters registered as Democrats.

Americans, this is what we are facing with increasing frequency from elected officials at all levels and in both political parties.  This is truly a “bi-partisan” power grab we are facing. The increasing degree of arrDemomcrat Logoogance on the part of elected officials shows how far they have gone in their plan to take total control over our lives.  It is one thing to have “discussions behind closed doors” and another thing altogether when they just come out and brazenly boast about their actions against We the People.

This man and his entire party are trampling on the Constitution and making no attempts to hide it any longer.  They are taking an “in your face” stand, daring We the People to do something about it.  The bully has thrown down the gauntlet for everyone to see.  He is openly challenging citizens to put a stop to tyranny, his tyranny.  The entire Democrat Party, and the Republican Party as well, are telling We the People that they can do as they wish and the Constitution means nothing.  Republicans posture and beat their chests for a while and then compromise on “common sense gun control measures”, meaning they sign off on taking away our right to own firearms as stated in the 2nd Amendment.  The straw argument that “no one should have the right to own a nuclear missile” just doesn’t fly with citizens.

republican logoThere are some in Congress, and in state legislatures around the nation, that are standing up for us and for the Constitution.  They are being pilloried by the political class of both parties and the lame stream media for doing so.  Anyone who has the temerity to challenge their “all-knowing wisdom” is declared an “enemy of the state” and subject to a drone strike at any moment because, according to Attorney General Eric Holder, “if the President does it, it is legal”!!!!   This is the stuff of dictatorships not a Constitutional Republic.

I wrote a couple of articles last month that address the problem of politicians and their handlers who deny the rights of We the People.  In the first one I appealed to people with name recognition and/or immense wealth to “put their money where their mouth is”, and challenged conservative voters to stand behind them in this battle for liberty.  In the second one I appealed to citizens who are registered Democrats to think about what their party is doing to their nation, and to their individual liberty.

This attitude oBarbed Wiref “we know better and will ignore you peasants” has passed the point of concern and has come to the point of outright danger.  If they no longer feel any necessity to hide their contempt for American citizens and for our way of life, We the People are facing imminent subjugation. Our rights to self –defense are being gutted by a government that holds the opinions of its citizens in disdain and total disregard.  They see themselves as the only ones capable of making decisions that are “in our best interests”.

Our government is engaging in actions that many see as a preparation step for the taking up of arms against its own citizens.  The Department of Homeland Security has secured contracts for the purchase of billions of rounds of hollow point bullets, designed for maximum damage to the human body (these aren’t for “target practice”); tens of thousands of fully automatic rifles, the true “assault rifles”, not the semi-automatic kind you and I possess; are re-fitting thousands of armored “Urban Rescue Vehicles”, the kind with gun ports, for use in American cities; and helicopters fly through our skies shooting machineguns in simulated “domestic unrest” scenarios.Dept Homeland Security Logo

Martial Law may be right around the corner.  The government could isolate citizens and confiscate their firearms, or kill the citizen who refuses to surrender their protection, over little or nothing, mostly “imagined offenses” as is happening in California right now.  They like to throw the mental health issue out into the arena because they know Republicans will hide behind the need to “keep the guns out of the hands of the mentally deranged”.  Of course, that category now applies to any veteran, whether they have seen combat or not.  And who will define “mental illness”, Sen. Diane Feinstein?  Even now people who believe the Constitution is the law of the land and the basis for our nation are called “extremists” by those in power in both political parties.  How much of a step is it to declare these same “extremists” as mentally ill for the purpose of denying them their 2nd Amendment rights?

The Democratic Party, and their allies in the Republican Party, have this all designed to destroy the ConstitutionConstitution and to subjugate We the People.  Establishment operatives in both political parties have joined forces to impose their will on the citizens of America.  They don’t care what we think, what we want, or what is lawful.  They desire the power to dictate our lives to us and this Colorado State Senate president has come right out in the open and stated as much.  The message to We the People is “agree with us voluntarily or we will impose agreement on you”.  Nanny Bloomberg is doing the same thing in New York City, telling people of the nation that he will impose our best interests on us if we refuse to acquiesce voluntarily.  This has to stop, and We the People must stop it, if liberty is to be re-established.

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell

Claremore, Oklahoma

March 24, 2013


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Bob Russell

Graduated from Classen High School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in May, 1968. Enlisted in the U S Army on December 11, 1968, serving 3 years in the 7th Special Forces Group as a Heavy Weapons Expert, attaining the rank of Sgt. E 5. upon separation went to work at Southwestern Bell Telephone on January 17, 1972 and retired on August 31, 2003. Also spent 1 year on active reserve as a member of the 14th Special Forces Group. attaining the rank of Staff Sgt. E6. started and operated a business installing wiring for telephone, data, and video surveillance systems from October 2003 until December 2011. Suffered a debilitating stroke on August 19, 2014. Now recovering and doing volunteer work at the Claremore, Oklahoma Veterans Center. Attends church in Claremore at CedarPoint and LifeChanger churches. Married to wife Marsha since August 2, 1989 with 4 daughters and a deceased son, 12 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

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