Lady Liberty
Lady Liberty stands in New York Harbor proclaiming: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
Lady Liberty: A beacon of freedom the entire world sees. A symbol of a better way of life anchored in liberty, opportunity and equal protection under the law.
Inspiring yes, but that is not the entire story.
Lady Liberty also stands as a reminder to America that the the American way of life is why people have come to this country for centuries.
What the world is currently witnessing is the collapse of the European socialist economic model; the failure of government dependency. As more people become dependent on government, fewer people are left to pay the cost.
But it goes beyond simply spending other people’s money. The socialist entitlement mentality makes people less productive. As more and more people become less and less productive, an ever-smaller minority of productive people become responsible for shouldering the burdens of a completely lopsided, unfair system. When a tiny number of productive people are required to deprive themselves of the fruits of their own labor in order to finance the lives of the remaining population, where is the incentive for them to produce?
If that is not enough, reliance on a big government nanny state makes people less responsible for themselves; less self-reliant. That is the antithesis of the American way of life.
When European settlers colonized the New World, they left the security of Europe behind in favor of North America’s unknown wilderness. They left homes, family, friends and country in exchange for an opportunity to build better lives for themselves. They were freed from the constraints of Europe’s restrictive class system. They openly rejected the European way by their leaving.
When the British Monarchy deemed to re-impose that system on Britain’s thirteen North American Colonies, that attempt was adamantly and thoroughly rejected. Hence: the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution and the founding of the United States of America.
When America’s pioneers ventured forth to traverse the Great Plains and cross the Rocky Mountains they were completely self-reliant. They took care of themselves. They did not have, want, or need a big nanny state government to take care of them from cradle to grave.
This is the stuff of which America is made.
Because it gives them control over “the masses”, “progressives” have long sought to fashion America after the European socialist model, to make Americans more government dependent. There was FDR with the New Deal and Social Security. LBJ gave America the Great Society, Welfare Programs and Medicare. Then, Obama forced upon an unwilling America the crown jewel of European style socialism; government controlled medicine.
Every time “progressives” hold a press conference they sound exactly the way they have always sounded: they inherited the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Their policies are working, but need more time. Congress needs to quit stalling and enact more of their policies. The private sector is doing fine but to grow the economy government needs to spend more money to create more government jobs at the state and local level.
Repeatedly, “progressives” show exactly how out of touch they are with the private sector, how the American economy works, the lessons of American history and the nature of America’s people.
Europe will not work in America. Neither will out of touch narcissists who insist on imposing a long rejected European system upon America.
It is time for Americans to reject the following proposal, long foisted upon America by the self-imagined, self-appointed, “progressive” intellectual elite:
We, the government, are your lords and masters. You will do as we say, not as we do. For we are the enlightened “progressives” and you are but melting pot bitter clingers.
Michael, this is beautifully written…it captures the very essence of our Great Nation. We are like a huge patchwork quilt of beauty to be envied. Each State boasts it’s own idenity & culture, yet stiched together with the strong thread of freedom & liberty.
It’s ironic, or perhaps moronic that we embrace the mantles of freedom & liberty, yet migrate in the directioon of Socializm…There are no freedoms in a government nanny state..just complience & slavery.
As you said, The Early Pioneers were self- reliant & took the responsibiity for their own care. They knew that when you encounter a bear, you stand tall & roar as loud as you can..& the bear will leave.
“On every question of construction, let us
carry ourselves back to the time when the
Constution was adopted, RECOLLECT THE SPIRIT
manifested in debates, and instead of trying
what meaning may be squeezed out of the text,
or ‘invented’ against it, conform to the
probable one in which it was passed”
Thomas Jefferson
This is OUR Country…unless we give it away
Thanks Jan.