If Trump Comes to CPAC, So Should Chris Christie
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) begins this week, and New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie wasn’t invited. His antics towards House Republicans, his bashing of the NRA, and his unofficial endorsement of Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo made sure that wouldn’t happen. Christie said that he agreed with Cuomo, one of the most liberal governors in the country, on “98% of the issues.” Yeah, he’s no conservative, but neither is Donald Trump.
Trump has given millions to Democratic candidates, and his invitation to speak at CPAC places the American Conservative Union in an untenable position concerning its decision to exclude Gov. Christie and gay conservative groups, like GOProud, from sponsoring the conference. Frankly, I was for GOProud sponsoring the event. Their platform is very much aligned with the Tea Party, and they support states’ rights in deciding the issue of marriage, which is the valid constitutional avenue in addressing this issue. However, back to the Donald.
…made more than $1.3 million in donations over the years to candidates nationwide, with 54 percent of the money going to Democrats, according to a Washington Post analysis of state and federal disclosure records.
Recipients include Senate Majority LeaderHarry M. Reid (Nev.), former Pennsylvania governor Edward G. Rendell, and Rahm Emanuel, a former aide to President Obama who received $50,000 from Trump during his recent run to become Chicago’s mayor, records show. Many of the contributions have been concentrated in New York, Florida and other states where Trump has substantial real estate and casino interests.
The Democratic recipients of Trump’s donations make up what looks like a Republican enemies list, including former senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.), Sen. John F. Kerry (Mass.), Rep. Charles B. Rangel (N.Y.), Sen. Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) and the late liberal lion Edward M. Kennedy (Mass.).
The biggest recipient of all has been the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee of New York,which has taken in more than $125,000 from Trump and his companies. Overall, Trump has given nearly $600,000 to New York state campaigns, with more than two-thirds going to Democrats.
I understand he’s protecting his business interests, but don’t put on a show and act like you’re entering the GOP tent to save it from collapsing. His excuse for contributing to Democrats is that they’re the only game in town.
“Everyone’s Democratic,” he [Trump] told Fox News in an interview about his potential [2012] candidacy. “So what am I going to do — contribute to Republicans? One thing: I’m not stupid. Am I going to contribute to Republicans for my whole life when they get heat when they run against some Democrat and the most they can get is 1 percent of the vote?”
If you believe in the Republican Party – and more importantly conservatism – then you do contribute to get that “1 percent of the vote.” It’s called integrity, Mr. Trump. The ACU’s decision to allow this unprincipled charlatan to speak is puzzling, frustrating, and hypocritical. Who on their PR team thought that inviting this man would be a good morale boost for conservatives? It just shows you the numerous obstacles the conservative movement needs to address, with one of them being selecting better speakers for conferences. And that’s just on the surface.