How the left misrepresents the NRA
News reports are ripe with “gun lobbyists” when referring to to the NRA and gun rights activists while referring to the law enforcement and anti-gun lobbies as .. concerned citizen groups.
The NRA is certainly a lobbying organization as are unions, PACs, citizen groups and many other ways to create a larger voice by banding together.
The picture that progressives attempt to paint of the NRA is a dark one. They claim the NRA is the puppet of gun manufacturers – nothing could be further from the truth.
Gun makers get their money from the gun buying public. Without gun owners, there would be no commercial gun makers. The money does not come from the gun makers themselves, but from the absolutely legal gun-owning American public. If 70 million Americans didn’t think gun ownership was right, they wouldn’t have bought the guns which traded their hard-earned money for a quality firearms product.
Not all gun owners appreciate the power of a concentrated voice. By spending as little as $35, a gun owner can help protect the right to own firearms for themselves, their families and other Americans.
Now, the NRA has launched a program to allow anyone to gain a lifetime membership for just $300.00 by calling 888-678-7894 and asking for a lifetime membership. Unlike the usual, online application, no sponsor is required.
— Every gun owner in America should take advantage of this or the $35 membership to help protect the right of Americans to own firearms —
This united voice is something the left heavily protects for labor law, social justice, gay rights and more. Why don’t liberals find it ok when a large portion of America enjoins their resources for a cause they believe in? Because the left disagrees.
— Anything the left dislikes is evil. Anything the right dislikes makes the right evil. —
They misrepresent, they lie. They are willing to do whatever it takes to get their way. Are you?
An individual in a red shirt may not be spotted in a crowd, but put ‘a bunch’ of red shirts in one place & they will get noticed…the same is true w/ lobbyist…You & I, as individuals cannot be seen or heard above the crowd of Unions & ‘special’ interest. But if we wear our NRA shirts & stand shoulder to shoulder our voice is louder than the stadium at Super Bowl…
You CAN join the NRA even if you don’t own a gun!! The NRA is not just fighting for ‘gun rights’. IT IS OUR 2nd AMENDMENT RIGHT…If we allow ‘any’ the links to be removed from our Constitution, our blessed Nation will weaken and fall. The blood of those mighty warriors that gave their all will have been spilled in vain….and that’s just not right..
Many ask “What can I do?” Wll, this just might be a good place to start,.