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Terrific art as always an a sadly true message. Even though none of the fingers is extended one can imagine that it is.
Thank you Allen
Tony, Of late your creativity isn’t showing up on my screen & I am way behind on doses of Tantalizing Tony’s Talent. Whattsa happing? From comments, some one is seeing your work..??????????
Thank you Jan..You can always go to .. They’re all there.
Ugh. Is there a specific item in the news that you are misinterpreting as an Unamerican move by Obama, or is this more of a general state of affairs whine?
Terrific art as always an a sadly true message. Even though none of the fingers is extended one can imagine that it is.
Thank you Allen
Tony, Of late your creativity isn’t showing up on my screen & I am way behind on doses of Tantalizing Tony’s Talent. Whattsa happing? From comments, some one is seeing your work..??????????
Thank you Jan..You can always go to .. They’re all there.
Ugh. Is there a specific item in the news that you are misinterpreting as an Unamerican move by Obama, or is this more of a general state of affairs whine?
Putting Politics over country.