Minnesota Debates Possible New Gun Restriction Legislation
Supporters and detractors of new gun control legislation showed up in great numbers Tuesday for the first of three days of hearings on the topic at the State Office Building in St. Paul, Minnesota, opposite the capitol.
The hearings began at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, with testimony scheduled throughout the day, Wednesday and Thursday. The halls were packed with supporters on both sides of the issue. The auditorium was overcrowded, making it necessary to open three more rooms to the public, where those gathered watched the testimony on TV. Those who could not fit in the viewing rooms or the auditorium gathered in the halls and debated with one another, or were swarmed by local media.
The hearings are being conducted by the House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee. The
committee consists of 11 DFL House Members and Seven Republicans. The committee chairman is DFL Rep. Michael Paymar.

Rep. Tony Cornish-R, who is the Republican Lead for the committee, commented on the nature of the hearings when we reached out to him on information about these hearings.
In his reply e-mail, Cornish wrote,” Dear Friend, I am a life member of the NRA and sponsor or co-sponsor of every major gun rights bill in the last 10 years.”
” I don’t plan on giving an inch in the upcoming battle to take away our constitutional rights. I believe this is a huge smoke screen coming up where the anti-gun people will throw everything but the kitchen sink at us in the way of gun control bills and then try to give a fake compromise solution to then go after the alleged “gun show” loophole, which really takes away our right to sell or trade guns privately to friends or family members without background checks and registration…
“We need to fight against this and you can bet I will. Stay strong and come to the hearings, Feb 5th, 6th, and 7th at 10 am in the State Office Building in St. Paul.”
Two prominent political groups had members gathered in St. Paul to the view the hearings: the Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance; and the ProtectMN.Org supporters.
crossposted from The American Millennium Online