DHS Informant: We are Preparing for Massive Civil War

This video was posted on April 24, 2012, but recent news reports seem to verify what is being said- The United States Government is preparing for Civil War against the American people.

DHS Buys 21.6 Million More Rounds of Ammunition

Are all those guns and ammo for Obama’s Civilian National Security Force?

Obama Administration Repositioning Homeland Security Ammunition Containers

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The government has declared it can lock anyone up forever or kill them without any proof or due process. DHS has placed an order for 450 million rounds of Hollow Point ammo. Obama can now declare martial law during peace time. I think that just about says it all.

“We are Preparing for Massive Civil War,” Says DHS Informant

“If you don’t fight for your rights, they don’t exist. Our constitution doesn’t mean a damn thing if we the people don’t stand up for it.” Or just go back to sleep. Maybe we’ll get adjoining cells one day if we’re still alive anyway.

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One Comment

  1. “The air is thick with War & rumors of war”…We are a Nation that is over wrought with disbelief, anger, frustration & growing paranoia. We have become distrustful of our own neighbors, & even family with opinions not like our own. “Secrets” stir our imagination & as we piece them together there is ‘fear’ that yet another gregious attack is being made on our Constitutionaly granted freedoms….The alarms are going off & our senses alerted…This is good…”forewarned is truly forearmed” The “Two P’s” (Prayer & Preperation) will serve us well.

    We would, perhaps, do well to remember that in the middle of every washer there is a big aggitator that seperates & spins.

    UNITED, & prepared, we can wait to see the ‘whites of their eyes’ as our ancestors did the Redcoats .

    For now, use the two P’s, watch yur six & keep your powder dry.

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