Why Miss California’s Seemingly Ignorant “Euthanasia, That’s a Vaccine Right?” Is Technically Correct
Many Americans who watch the Miss America Pageant no doubt wonder if intelligence is still a qualification for young women entering beauty pageants. It appears as long as beauty queens are left-winged and give the desired politically correct answers leftist judges demand, beauty overcomes inglorious stupidity.
I’m speaking of the the latest Miss America Pageant and the beautiful Miss California, who wowed judges with her anti-gun political correctness, but made the “Idiots Hall of Fame” headline’s with her answer to euthanasia: “That’s a vaccine, right?”
My first thought was: “If Euthanasia is a vaccine, strangulation is the best Asthma medication!”
At first I thought Miss California’s brain was perhaps crushed by years of over-weight pageants crowns, until I realized Miss California’s seemingly ignorant answer is 100% correct.
No, I’m not giving stupidity the thumbs up; I’m looking within Miss California’s answer. The young woman has no idea she stated an historical fact: Vaccines do kill diseases, but euthanasia is not about eliminating AIDS or the Flu, it’s about extermination, and you can’t find a better vaccine to kill off mankind than euthanasia.
Obviously Miss California was not joking when she responded. She truly has no idea what euthanasia or eugenics projects are, and for that, the young woman needs to read books containing words and study what she is reading. But despite proving herself ill-educated, Miss California’s brainless comment is historically true.
For instance: Leftist feminist’s ideology demands abortion as the best way to keep a woman’s life free of the hindrance of that nasty pre-existing condition called motherhood. Since pregnancy is viewed by FemiNazis as a disease worse than Cancer and AIDS, as well as the destruction of women’s sex lives, the answer to eliminating the pre-existing condition of motherhood is abortion—euthanasia.
In view of the fact abortion takes the life of unborn children, it technically is euthanasia.
Abortion is the vaccine of all vaccines against unwanted pregnancies for pre-existing conditioned women.
Of course no one in the pageant will ever utter such words. To do so might demoralize women expected to have such high morals, they make Catholic nuns look like street walkers.
History, however, proves Miss California’s uneducated answer true: Euthanasia has vaccinated millions of unwanted human beings from existence.
In author Edwin Black’s book War Against The Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race he discusses how early 19th century, British statistician Francis Galton believed forced sterilization on women considered inferior would prevent a so-called degenerate race, while superior women produced children.
American Charles Davenport, who helped launch radical feminism’s push for abortion with eugenics, believed abortion and sterilization was the answer to creating a perfect society by:
plot[ing] a bold campaign of ‘purging the blood of the American people of the handicapping and deteriorating influences of these anti-social classes,’ meaning the socially unfit, such as epileptics, the feebleminded, the deformed, the deaf, mute and blind.
Davenport’s horrific methods sterilized 50,000 Americans.
Sadly, Miss California would be on the list of “feebleminded, but would be allowed to live, because her looks could produce superior-looking, tall blonde children. And isn’t that of utmost importance!
President Theodore Roosevelt agreed with Davenport’s sterilization and euthanizing of unborn children:
Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce.
The Carnegie Institute and Rockefeller Foundation funded the euthanasia projects in America. By 1904, those seen as unfit to breed children were sterilized or forced into abortions. They were: Native Americans, epileptics, alcoholics, Jews, Mexicans, Blacks, small-time crooks, the mentally ill, the unemployed and homeless. In fact David Rockefeller stated this of China’s Mao
The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.
Look at China today: The One Child Only Policy. Girl children must be aborted or killed after birth to create a male-dominated society.
Rockefeller was so intent on sterilization and abortion for a perfect race; he funded Hitler’s eugenics scientists in order to create the master race.
Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes upheld Virginia’s decision to sterilize a woman named Carrie Buck, because:
Three generations of imbeciles are enough” in this country.
Justice Holmes may have been on to something: Three generations of Kennedys did actually breed “alcoholics,” “imbecile” sleep drivers, and “degenerate” womanizers!
President Woodrow Wilson approved of sterilization and abortion against anyone considered unfit, and
created a board of examiners of feeble-minded, epileptics and other defectives. Under it, the state could determine, ‘when procreation is inadvisable like for criminals, prisoners, poor kids and the ill-defined, other defectives.’
Wilson didn’t realize it, but he classified the whole of Washington leadership in both parties!
Margaret Sanger, who said “The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it,” set up the Negro Project to sterilize black mothers and “exterminate” unborn black children.
Hitler was so taken with America’s euthanasia plan; he used abortion and sterilization to euthanize the unborn children of Jewish women and mentally disabled women. This was Hitler’s way of vaccinating unfit women’s bodies in order to produce a pure Aryan race.
400,000 Germans were sterilized against their will, while 800,000 abortions were performed yearly. Germany literally began losing its population due to euthanasia. The result was the Lebensborn Born Project: impregnate as many German women by SS soldiers to create the master race. Many of those children were killed because they didn’t look Nordic.
Miss California has no idea just how point on her ill-educated answer is. It’s too bad the young woman doesn’t have a clue as to what euthanasia is and what it has done to the world, as well as her own country, or she could have answered by saying: “Euthanasia? You can’t find a better vaccine against humanity and breeding what progressives consider unfit-to-live people than sterilization and abortion.”
Do you have to practice to be this evil, or does it just come naturally?
You make an interesting point, but it is not accurate. Euthanasia is not a vaccine. You may have confused a lot of people and therefore contributed to more imbicles.