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Pastor disparages GOP, describes Obama as Moses in pre-inauguration message

Barack Obama and family attended a service at Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church just before privately taking his oath of office to begin his second term Sunday.

In itself, that fact scarcely bears repeating. The content of the pastor’s message, however, provides a distinct insight into the psyche of Obama’s sycophantic followers.

After years of hearing Rev. Jeremiah Wright spew unabashedly leftist, anti-American propaganda from the pulpit, the Obama family might think such outrageous speech is normal. Traditional Americans, however, should be outraged.

Pastor Ronald Braxton didn’t waste any time in fawning over his church’s special guest, comparing him and his relentless attack on individual liberty to Moses parting the Red Sea.

In both cases, he said, “forward is the only option,” urging Obama to “stand on the rock.”

Continuing the ill-fitting analogy, Braxton reportedly equated those opposed to Obama’s usurpation of power to enemies of Moses and, by extension, God.

Before closing the service, the pastor initiated a chant of Obama’s second term slogan, “Forward.”

One reporter described the pastor’s message as “a worship service for the man Newsweek labeled ‘The Second Coming,'” adding, “if Obama thinks anything like the pastor he chose just before taking his oath of office, America is in for a long, narcissistic, imperial four years.”

Another conservative writer was understandably upset at the dearth of reporting on substantiative portions of the message, called out one Associated Press writer in particular.

“How did you miss that part about ‘enemies’? Were you too busy admiring how the church ‘was draped in reds, greens and golds found in the African Kente cloth’ to pay attention?” he wrote, asking, “And how can it be that the word ‘forward’ doesn’t appear at all in your report?”

Certainly the writer feigned ignorance, knowing full well the intent of America’s media complex is not to disseminate facts but to spread the convenient talking points provided by this administration.

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B. Christopher Agee

B. Christopher Agee is an award-winning journalist and conservative columnist. He established The Informed Conservative and late 2011 and currently reaches an audience of millions each month through publication on several major websites. He lives in the Fort Worth, Texas, area with his wife.

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  1. I wonder if a white president attended a service place called Whites Freedom Baptist Church would be called a RACEIST by the press and minorities in the USA!!!! Just a thought here.

  2. A United Methodist Church in a predominantly white neighborhood would never even consider the exclusionary name change to Metropolitan European Methodist Church. All are welcome — in His name.

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