Obama: We do Skeet Shooting all the Time
Huffington Post: In an interview with The New Republic, Obama refers to the “reality” of urban and rural differences on the guns issue.
Obama added to that perspective by admitting that he has fired a gun.
“Up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time,” he said.
Well, as my twitter feed says… “Pictures, or we don’t believe it.”
Maybe this is it…
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You out did yourself on this one!!!!……He said ‘all’ the time, guess that means the 2 or 3 times he’s even been there or somewhere between the 8th & 9th hle at neighboring golf course. …Until you get those pictures, this will do just fine.
Of course I didn’t think of the video clip myself but it certainly was fitting. I really can’t believe the president would think he’s pulling the wool over anyone but the most naive eyes with such an outlandish statement.
Four more years. If we don’t laugh we will cry. Teresa