Gun News

Open Letter From Mills Fleet Farm on Gun Control

(Video open letter to Minnesota Representatives and Congress people from Mills Fleet Farm of Minnesota. )

I found the open letter to our Minnesota Representatives from Stewart Mills of Mills Fleet Farm to be informative and powerful. They bravely make the argument for the ownership of sporting rifles currently the target of gun ban legislation. I applaud the courage of Mills Fleet Farm in sharing this message with us, they are a great Minnesota company that employ thousands right here at home.

Take a look at this interesting companion article from Rick Kupchella’s blog here.

-Jeremy Griffith
Rochester Minnesota

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Jeremy Griffith

Jeremy Griffith is conservative blogger and retired officer of the United States Army Reserve. He writes for his own blog at

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  1. Stewart Mills should be commended for speaking up . He may loose a few customers and gain some however it is a huge risk. He is standing up for a cause that many will support him on and hes risking what few have to risk. A real American, standing up for our right to be free. Thanks Stewart!

  2. I would be curious to see the firing test done by an amature shooter. Many of us who own guns are concerned about our spouses ability to aim and shoot under pressure. For me a short barreled, pistol grip 12 gauge is much better for home defense than a rifle or pistol, simply because the odds are better for success by someone who might go to a range once a year. Having said that, I thougt the open letter was exceptionally well done.

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