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Student reprimanded for possessing a piece of paper

Several young students have recently been suspended for making hand gestures playfully depicting a gun, but apparently school administrators thought such overreactions were not quite draconian enough.

An elementary school administrator in Pennsylvania recently showed how insane a zero-tolerance gun policy can be when he reportedly yelled at a student for having a piece of paper.
The folded paper, made the previous day by her grandfather, was believed by the administrator to resemble a gun and he proceeded to castigate the young girl in front of her class.
The student was attempting to throw the paper away after realizing she inadvertently left it in her pocket, but a classmate saw her and reported the apparently punishable behavior of discarding trash.
A school official “yelled at me and said I shouldn’t have brought the gun to school,” the girl said in a subsequent interview. “I kept telling him it was a paper gun but he wouldn’t listen.”
Reports indicate the administrator even threatened to have the girl arrested, as if a fifth-grader brandishing a piece of paper is somehow a crime.
The student’s mother is keeping her out of the school until the ordeal blows over, though she is entertaining the idea of removing her permanently.
Children are constantly being told all instinctual adolescent impulses are wrong by moral relativists who see evil behind innocent child’s play and a victim of our supposed “gun culture” in the most reprehensible of killers.
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B. Christopher Agee

B. Christopher Agee is an award-winning journalist and conservative columnist. He established The Informed Conservative and late 2011 and currently reaches an audience of millions each month through publication on several major websites. He lives in the Fort Worth, Texas, area with his wife.

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  1. Common Sense has become rationed & appears to be the next item on the “endangered” list right after our beloved Constitution…If only our school administrations would give a much attention to ‘teaching’ the Constitution as they do in eithr ignoring or destroying it. This ‘reaction’ to a piece of paper makes knee jerk responses look like a grain of sand. There is so much on our plates, but we cannot over look the fact that a lack of knowledge of the 4 R’s & common sense in our classrooms need to be corrected if a lasting solutin is expected. “Grown ups” act on what they learn as children.

  2. Here then is a most profound display of Emo Leftist Progressivism (as if we lacked any such displays lately)!

    Emo – the inglorious absence of common sense in the support of an irrational goal or agenda!!

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