Overlooked ObamaCare Expense: Nutrition Info

There are enough obvious tax hikes and fees associated with ObamaCare to concern any fiscal conservative – or working American, for that matter. Perhaps more upsetting, though, are the unknown financial consequences set to hit businesses. These added expenses, by the way, will inevitably make their way down to the consumer level.

One requirement, which affects all fast food and grocery stores with more than 20 locations to post nutrition labels for every product produced.

According to a spokesperson for Domino’s, the pizza industry will be hit especially hard.

“Pizza is customizable; there are options to factor in,” she said. “There are 34 million pizza combinations – we’ve done the math.”

The estimated cost to add the multiple signs required under the new federal mandate will be $5,000 per store, the spokesperson added. She noted that, even with the addition of signs, “10 percent of pizza customers never enter a Domino’s store” and won’t see the information.

She conceded, as did Papa John’s founder John Schnatter weeks earlier, that intrusive regulation associated with ObamaCare will result in more expensive pizzas. Somehow, any business trying to maintain profitability in the face of constant bureaucratic opposition is portrayed as the antagonist by a leftist media and groups try desperately to organize protests of the “evil” private sector.

There is never a similar – and far more justifiable – demonization of the government regulations that necessitated these price increases.

According to a representative of the Food Marketing Institute, grocery stores represent another sector set to be hit hard by ObamaCare-related regulatory costs.

Using blueberry muffins as an example, he said, “If one is sold, you need a nutritional sign or sticker. If a half dozen are sold, a different one is required; same if you sell a dozen.”

Considering grocery stores “average 1,500 fresh-made items each,” the spokesman estimates the industry will absorb a $1 billion financial hit from this regulation alone.

The further this nation goes down the rabbit hole of Socialism that is ObamaCare, the more we will notice the far-reaching hand of government in the private sector at every level – from CEO to you and me.

B. Christopher Agee founded The Informed Conservative in 2011. Like his Facebook page for engaging, relevant conservative content daily.



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B. Christopher Agee

B. Christopher Agee is an award-winning journalist and conservative columnist. He established The Informed Conservative and late 2011 and currently reaches an audience of millions each month through publication on several major websites. He lives in the Fort Worth, Texas, area with his wife.

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