Mr. President, This is Small Business America
Returning to campaigning President Obama held a rally at a small business, promoting his tax the rich agenda. But one doesn’t have to travel far to find other small businesses who are struggling with the uncertainty that such tax increases may cause.
From Speaker Boehner’s Office: Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) office sat down with Jerry Gorski of Gorski Engineering, who said, “our company has figured out how to survive in this economy and the first thing we want to do with any income I have is tax it? That’s uncertainty.” Watch it here.
Nearly one million small businesses would be impacted by the president’s tax rate hike, and thousands of jobs would be lost. Instead of raising tax rates and hurting our economy, Republicans have outlined a balanced, popular framework for averting the fiscal cliff by cutting spending and reforming our tax code.
“Campaign-style rallies and one-sided leaks in the press are not the way to get things done here in Washington,” said Speaker Boehner. “Without spending cuts and entitlement reform, it’s going to be impossible to address our country’s debt crisis, and get our economy going again, and to create jobs.”
It’s easy for most of us to just agree with the president’s ‘tax the rich’ proposals because many haven’t heard how this will directly affect many small businesses.
Watch this short clip and share it with your friends.