Editorial Cartoons
Branco Cartoon – Our Culture
Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more CDN Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco
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Reddit does not approve of your racist comic.
Thanks for the heads up
all i see is a bunch of white people. the word racist has dissolved.
The guilty rarely appreciate being pointed out.
A.F., spot on. Thanks for so clearly pointing this out.
Thank you!!
again *****(all gold) Question: how do we teach ‘parenting”?
Great Question, Jan
Instead of banning guns, we should ban gun based video games. That makes perfect sense.
Nobody said anything about banning video games, but our problems run much deeper than the knee jerk reaction of the left to ban guns.
Talk to people that work as therapists in mental health clinics and you will find lots of people/therapists/counselors who would like to ban violent video games.
Thank you Nani… I’m sure there is.. I think if they are looking for a “real” cause, that should be one of the paces to look. Not just look at banning guns, that wouldn’t be a solution. But then again, real solutions aren’t what the left is interested in,,, Only their agenda.