The Fiscal Cliff Swindle And the Future of A Republic
So, now that Obama has been re-elected it seems the entire Republican Party Establishment, including the talking heads, are showing their real agenda and their lack of honor once again. How many members of Congress have now reneged on their pledge to not raise taxes? Sen. Saxby Chambliss and Rep. Peter King have been prominent among those of the GOP (Globalist Oligarchy Party) to join Speaker John Boehner and his chief henchman Eric Cantor in running up the white flag. At the same time they are sneering at the very people who have supported them based on their promises to cut spending and lower taxes on everyone, thereby avoiding the “Fiscal Cliff” in the first place.
I have screamed at the top of my lungs about who and what the Republican Establishment stands for and what their true intentions entail. George H. W. Bush turned on We the People and reneged on his promises of “no new taxes”. Then George W. Bush, the “compassionate conservative”, broke every promise he made to get elected and then re-elected. “Four more years to complete the program” is not a new tactic by the Obama Crime Syndicate. Karl “Marx” Rove used the very same tactic as effectively as did David Axelrod.
Republicans have marched leftward, along with Democrats, in creating the “fiscal cliff” they promised to prevent if we voted for them in 2010. Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Ok, has the answer but Republican Party leaders ignore him. Coburn, DeMint, and Rand Paul are as despised and hated by the Party insiders as are We the People. We are told they have to give in on every promise they made in those past elections to save the nation. The political parties and their propaganda outlets once again tell us that the solution to our fiscal and moral dilemmas are more of the same policies both parties have followed for the past 25 years , the policies that got us here.
For the last two years Republicans have done nothing but whine about “we only have control of one-half of one-third of government” while they reneged on every promise they made to get elected in 2010. And what did they do when they had total control of the government in the past? The “Patriot” Act, TSA, “No Child Left Behind” and the rest of the niceties Bush left us are still with us, supported by the same Republicans who always promise to cut the size of government to get elected and then promptly expand the government footprint in our lives. How long will it take for enough people to demand they do what they promised us they would do? Oh, wait, didn’t we do this once before? The TEA Party comprised 67% of We the People who swept Republicans into office in record numbers nationally, statewide, and locally in 2010. Three million less voted for Republicans in 2012 than did in 2008. Something like eight million less voted for Democrats. That is a sad commentary on the satisfaction and confidence producing citizens have in their government.
And as to the Democrats, what did they have to say about 67% of We the People and our opinions as to how our nation should be managed? They called us racist, sexist, Islamophobic, homophobic, Nazi terrorists. In the last two years I have not seen Democrats moderate their views of We the People, and the Republicans who dismissed us in 2010 are now blaming us for the mess our country is in. I said in 2009 that if Boehner and McConnell were in charge of the Republican Party nothing would change for the better. I wish I had been wrong but I based my opinions on their past records and the way they minced words to avoid taking a stand without an escape clause.
I am with Herman Cain on his call for a third political party. We don’t have much time to take our nation back, and with “representation” like this it won’t happen. We the People need Herman Cain, Sarah Palin, Lloyd Marcus, Sen. Jim DeMint, Sen. Rand Paul, Rep. Louis Gohmert, Rep. Michele Bachman, Tim Cox of GOOOH, Matt Kibbe of Freedom Works, and others to band together and lead a conservative movement that will truly represent the 67% that make up the TEA Party. If these leaders join forces officially to create a political party I believe the conservatives in this nation will show the same vigor we saw in 2009.
The reason Romney lost, like McCain in 2008, is that they don’t represent the 67% who are trying very hard to support the Republican Party. Boehner, McConnell, Graham, McCain, Chambliss, King, and many others are not now and never will be conservative. If Peggy Noonan, Bill Kristol, and their ilk are conservative I am ten feet tall. The TEA Party majority made a huge difference in the 2010 mid-term elections but found our voices ignored once the election was over. Politicians and media talking heads who are allegedly on the side of We the People now call us radicals for standing on The Constitution of the United States of America. Hmmm, haven’t I seen this movie before?
If the right people will band together for the good of the nation they will find support among the citizens. The 67% aren’t dead, they are frustrated by liars who make promises to get elected and immediately turn on them like they are the enemy. If those I mentioned can show they truly have the best interests of the citizens as their priority they can be a force in 2014, if our Republic can survive that long. We need people of honor and character who have the courage to back up their words with action. We don’t need any more of what the Republican Party Establishment is doing now, nor do we need the increase in pandering to the moochers and looters being offered by them for the future. I believe it is fruitless to try to change the Republican Party. They have gone the way of the Democrat Party. Republicans seem to be intent on competing with the Democrat Party for the votes of those with their hands out, and disparage those who make this nation thrive. Keeping poor people poor and dependent on government seems to be the plan of both political parties.
If the results of the 2010 election, the actions of Republicans since, and the results of the 2012 elections are not enough to show everyone where Conservatives stand in the eyes of the Republican Party Establishment I don’t know what will accomplish that. The left turns of this nation have to stop and 67% of We the People are looking for leadership, someone to truly represent our views and our standards. We need a group of patriots who will step up, band together, and offer conservatives a political party that we can believe in. I firmly believe they will draw strong support from registered voters of both political parties. There are a lot of disenfranchised Democrats in America who aren’t being represented any better by their party. We may not have enough time to save our Republic but we certainly aren’t going to save it continuing on the path we are on now. A third political party has become our only option to reverse course and save a nation for future generations.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
November 28, 2012