
Should Ohio and Texas Election Officials Prosecute United Nation Election Observers

The New Black Panther Party, ACORN and NAACP have engaged in voter Intimidation and fraudulent tactics – not Republicans

The state of Ohio and Texas along with Florida and Wisconsin are on the United Nation’s Election Day hit list when it comes to their officials showing up at state polling locations.  It seems that these United Nations officials have the mistaken belief that they have the legal right to intervene in how Ohio and other states are running their Election Day activities.  Their organization the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe is showing up because the nearly impotent NAACP and the discredited ACORN organization requested that they oversee possible voter suppression.


The fact that outside countries can use the guise of the United Nations to come into sovereign states and cities like Cleveland, or Columbus, Ohio, or Houston Texas, or any other city in America is without merit.  If one single United Nation’s official illegally steps within the 100 foot limit of a polling precinct they will become quite familiar with American jurisprudence.


The Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has already publically stated that if a United Nation’s official breaks Texas law by interfering with its election process within the 100 foot limit, he will have them prosecuted to the full extent of Texas law and justice.  Jay Sekulow, head of the American Center for Law and Justice affirmed this and other similar developments around the nation, on Fox News, Friday, November 2nd.


First and foremost is the erroneous notion that a foreign nation has the purposeful audacity to believe it can set one soiled boot on Ohio, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin state soil.  Could these so-called officials of the NAACP or ACORN be that incompetent about how state government and the U.S. Constitution actually work?   The United States Constitution is still the law of the land, as is the 10th Amendment, which clearly states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”  This includes election law.

News flash, nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it say that state election officials should bow, submit,  or be subject to interference by the United Nations.  Foreign governments do not dictate terms to the United States of America or states about how and what it does regarding elections or any other sovereign action.  In other words, United Nations officials take your pens, pads and notebooks to the nearest motel room and watch the election results like any other person.


What is disturbing about this entire misleading scenario is how the United Nations could ignore due diligence in taking a letter from organizations that offered them no legal proof of voter suppression or intimidation.  Before the United Nations started snooping into America’s business, why not go over legal proof of voter suppression and intimidation legal cases from the U.S. Justice Department?  What about the states they are targeting?  Oops, that would be a big negatory since no proof of voter suppression or voter intimidation by Republicans exist!


Why did this so-called finder of fact committee set up by the United Nations not investigate the organizations that made the request?  Take ACORN, which had officials engaging in voter fraud in Cleveland in 2008, who were illegally signing up voters multiple times.  One voter even testified that ACORN voter registrars signed him up 72 times to vote.  Their voter fraud activities are legendary.  In Missouri in 1986, 12 ACORN members were convicted of voter fraud. Also in 1986, in St. Louis, six ACORN volunteers plead guilty to a myriad of election law violations.


The NAACP which also requested United Nations intervention into suspected Republican voter suppression has election fraud skeletons in its own closet. The organization made up fraudulent claims in 2000 against then Governor George Bush about voter intimidation and the lack of prosecution of a fatal attack on a black man.  In addition, in 2011, NAACP Tunica County, Mississippi executive committee member Lessadolla Sowers was convicted on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots in a substantial voter fraud scheme. So much for integrity!


Then of course there is the infamous voter intimidation case in 2008 against the New Black Panther Party, which openly intimidated white voters in Philadelphia.  The Obama U.S. Justice Department refused to prosecute the case, despite overwhelming evidence, and an actual video which captured their thug-like tactics.


Where is the voter intimidation?  Where is the voter fraud?  The answer is real simple and it lands squarely at the feet of the NAACP, New Black Panther Party and ACORN.  They engage in these divisive tactics to intimidate, threaten, and if nothing else works, cry racism while attempting to steal elections.  Well, legally appointed poll watchers in Texas, Ohio, and Florida and at other state polling location will have their camera phones and they will be recording on Election Day.  This will prevent United Nation officials and their NAACP, ACORN or New Black Panther Party comrades in arms from disrupting the legitimate business of voting.


In the end, the lesson for the unwelcome United Nations visitors is clear and it should be convincing.  America is a sovereign nation which has a system of justice that is based on the U.S. Constitution, and not on some third-world dictatorship masquerading as a legitimate democracy.  You cannot bully nor can you intimidate America or any sovereign state.


So, UN officials take the hint, if you step within that 100 foot limit in Cleveland, Ohio, Houston, Texas, Tampa, Florida or any other voter precinct on the sovereign soil of the United States of America, you will get the full taste of what it means to break the state’s laws.  It will definitely be at your peril.


This is America and when its officials insist to you to “get off of my land,” Americans do not take kindly with having to remind you twice.   ( Click and let me know what you think  )


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Kevin Fobbs

Kevin Fobbs is the former Community Concerns columnist for 12 years with The Detroit News covering community, family relations, domestic abuse, education, government relations, education, and dispute resolution. He has written for "Michigan Chronicle," “GOPUSA”, Fobbs was government and civic affairs director for SoulSource, a Christian news magazine, and host of The Kevin Fobbs Show www.kevinfobbs.com. He has written as the Christian and Culture examiner for Ann Arbor Examiner: https://www.examiner.com/x-33782-Ann-Arbor-Christianity--Culture-Examiner, and Ann Arbor and Cleveland Conservative Examiner: https://www.examiner.com/conservative-in-ann-arbor/kevin-fobbs His weekly faith-based Hearken The Watchmen column provides insight and answers on family, faith, and how to arrive at faith-based solutions to life challenges. His e-How articles range from, legal, health and education to electronic and culture and entertainment as well as home and business. Served 12 year as a gubernatorial appointee for Michigan’s Wayne County Social Services Board. He worked primarily on parenting and early childhood educational policy, domestic violence, family and children protection policy concerns. Developed programs to help parents develop healthy coping skills in the raising of their children. Was extensively involved in developing parental and child, family support networks at the local, county, and federal level. Kevin Fobbs has more than 35 years of wide-ranging experience as a community and tenant organizer, Legal Services outreach program director, public relations consultant, business executive, gubernatorial and presidential appointee, political advisor, writer, and national lecturer. He has been in the forefront of communications initiatives; devised and implemented strategies to win political and public support for client public policy issues and positions; directed electoral campaigns; and spearheaded as well as managed state and regional referendum, electoral, White House Initiatives, including Education, Social Security, Welfare Reform. Faith-Based Initiatives and many others. Kevin is co-chair and co-founder of AC-3 (American-Canadian Conservative Coalition) that focuses on issues on both sides of the border between the two countries. The American – Canadian Conservative Coalition (AC3) is a joint effort by grassroots Americans and Canadians to share information, issues, and policies that affect us individually and jointly. AC3 members are politically conservative and share the ideals of self-sufficiency, fair business competition, strong families, and joint homeland security. Above all, we believe in the right to freely exercise our chosen religion based on the principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law outlined in the founding documents of our country.

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  1. Texas has the 10th Amendment, plus is one of 2, maybe 3 other states with the status as a “Soveriegn State’apart from the United States, #3 Greg Abbott !! This man is a bulldog. If he says he’ll proceute, he will !!
    Then there’s a few of those lock & loaded old cowboys around, many wearing badges. I’m looking for Cousin Greg to be the next Govenor.

  2. The REAL question is why is the UN being allowed to monitor voting at all??? Next, why aren’t those responsible for allowing the UN in being prosecuted???

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