Democrats Want To Go Off The Fiscal Cliff
During the president’s Nov. 14 news conference, he channeled the Sandy response as a “metaphor” for how the federal government should operate. “It’s been aggressive and strong and fast and robust and a lot of people have been helped because of it…that’s a pretty good metaphor for how I want federal government to operate generally, and I’m going to do everything I can to make sure it does,” said President Obama. This is American liberalism. The ignorance they have towards how government should operate still pervades their ranks today. Government isn’t suppose to move fast, be aggressive, or be robust. It’s functions are few and defined, as stipulated by Madison – who championed the experiment of limited government that is the bedrock for our republic.
As such, we know the president wants to raise taxes on the job creating and investing class. It’ll inhibit economic growth, and it’s effects on the overall economy will probably be de minimis at best. All of his other policies have produced the same insipid results. Why should this be any different, especially when the president feels that a 3% hike on people making $250,000 or more will have a serious impact on the federal debt and deficit. George Will reiterated a good example on This Week highlighting the 250k illusion a while ago reiterating that a Chicago school superintendent of twenty years experience, who is married to a Chicago police captain of twenty years experience is almost rich in the eyes of the president. Nevertheless, according to liberals, tax increases will save us from the fiscal cliff.
As we approach the fiscal cliff, the perverse characteristic that pervades this debate is that liberals want us to go off into the abyss. If we do, they’ll get the tax increases, they’ll get the revenue, and they’ll get the defense cuts all liberals lust for with disconcerting enthusiasm. David Brooks, who wasn’t acting like a squish for once, reiterated this view last week on the PBS NewsHour and NPR’s All Things Considered. Furthermore, and most importantly, liberals and their entitlement programs – the last bastions of progressive legislative achievement – will remain intact.