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SpaceX’s Falcon 9 loses an engine, still makes it to orbit
A shining example of private industry’s ability to create a superior product, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 spacecraft had an engine explode 1:19 into the flight. By extending the length of time the remaining engines thrusted, the spacecraft made it safely into orbit as required by the flight plan.
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I may very well be wrong here, but it is my understanding that all of the space shuttles that NASA ever used were created by private companies that had a contract (the shuttles that were recently decommissioned were built by Boeing). While SpaceX’s accomplishment is a tremendous one, it does not stand in direct contradiction to NASA, like your article suggests.
The STS program was a NASA-run effort. Government entities certainly contract out build, but the design was NASA’s.
Dr. Maxime Faget was one of the most well-known NASA contributors to the shuttle program.
Not to mention the fact that companies like Boeing, Lockheed, et al. are virtual governement shills.