Romney Surges
With less than two weeks to go before Election Day, Mitt Romney has eliminated the 16 point advantage Barack Obama once enjoyed among women. Last month, women preferred Obama over Romney 56% to 40% on the economy. Now, the difference is 49% for Romney and 45% for Obama. Where understanding people’s problems is concerned, Obama’s lead among women has shrunk from 58%-36% to a 50%-43%.
The polls consistently show a real surge to Romney, away from Obama:
Rasmussen: Mitt Romney 50% nationwide, Obama 47%.
Gallup: Romney 50%, Obama 47%.
ABC News/Washington Post: 49% Romney, 48% Obama.
Reuters/Ipsos: Romney 47%, Obama 46%.
AP-GfK: Romney 47%, Obama 45%.
In the battleground state of Michigan, once considered a lock for Obama, not only is the race now tied Romney 47%, Obama 47%, the Detroit News endorsed Romney:
“As we said, this is more than a choice between two individuals. America is locked in a struggle over what it will be as a mature nation.
A country built on rugged individualism finds itself increasingly under the thumb of a federal government that is ever expanding its reach into the lives of its citizens.
Obama has proved himself a disciple of the doctrine that for every problem there’s a government solution.
Romney, by contrast, embraces individual initiative and entrepreneurship. He would turn back the encroachment of the bureaucracy into the private sector.
Romney would replace the heavy hand of government with the invisible hand of a rational marketplace working to produce broad prosperity.
While both poverty and dependency have increased on Obama’s watch, Romney promises to replace government checks with private sector jobs and reverse the decline in middle class incomes. It is heavy lifting, but we favor the candidate who is committed to it.
Romney’s goal is to help all Americans live independent and productive lives, free to rise to the extent of their personal capabilities. He would not shield them from risk or the consequences of their decisions, but neither would he deny them their earned rewards.
Our hope is that Mitt Romney would restore faith in the core principles of free men and women, free minds and free markets that made America great, and will keep it so.”
In his never ending quest to elevate America’s political climate above hateful, petty partisan rhetoric, in a Rolling Stone interview Barack Obama called Mitt Romney a bullshi**er:
“We arrived at the Oval Office for our 45-minute interview … on the morning of October 11th. … As we left the Oval Office, executive editor Eric Bates told Obama that he had asked his six-year-old if there was anything she wanted him to say to the president. … [S]he said, ‘Tell him: You can do it.’ Obama grinned. … ‘You know, kids have good instincts,’ Obama offered. ‘They look at the other guy and say, “Well, that’s a bullshi**er, I can tell.”’”
Such class…such poise…such leadership…such inspiration…such an example for young Americans. To have an Oval Office occupant who conveys to the world at every available opportunity that he bears no responsibility for the consequences of his policies, words or actions.
Romney’s surge is for real and for good reason.
America deserves better.
LOL…and ALL of those polled were just the former democrats….2010 is going to look paltry and minor compared to what’s about to happen to obama in 11 days…OOORRAAAHHHH!!!!