Obama Trumps Romney in Social Media Battle, Google Survey Finds
WINDHAM, N.H., Oct. 3, 2012 — When it comes to being savvy at social media and online persuasion, Barack Obama is better than Mitt Romney — at least according to the results of a recent Google Survey: “Who’s Better at Social Media and Online Persuasion: Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?”
Querying 2,500 Internet users nationwide, a little over 64 percent of those polled chose the incumbent president over the Republican candidate, the exception being within the category of Americans over the age of 64. What’s so significant about this latest factoid?
According to Terry Dean and Dr. Glenn Livingston, the two internationally esteemed marketing experts who orchestrated the survey, it could be useful in assessing candidate popularity and scrutinizing the election probabilities. But that’s not all — the survey itself, when tied to other social media and marketing tools, is excellent for creating “buzz,” which matters because, particularly nowadays, generating buzz generates business.
“Capitalizing on Google Surveys can really get people to pay attention, engage and become interested in a subject — or even you, the one conducting the research,” says Livingston, who heads several marketing firms, including BigTrafficMonster.com (https://www.BigTrafficMonster.com) that combined have provided more than $20 million in consulting to clients big and small. “The survey can help build qualified leads for your brand. Consequently, your business can just skyrocket.”
However, surveys alone aren’t a silver bullet for success. A more comprehensive online marketing campaign will help. With this recent Obama vs. Romney poll, Livingston and Dean constructed a “media website” which contains (among other things), an illustrative 35-minute YouTube video: (https://www.totalconversioncode.com/ObamaVsRomney). The video reviews the candidates’ online campaigns and gives expert opinion on why people voted nearly two-to-one in Obama’s favor.
“When people watch this video, they learn about the poll, but more importantly to us as business owners and marketing consultants, a subset of the curious go farther to explore our businesses and expertise,” says Dean, the project’s co-creator. “This ultimately boosts qualified website traffic, business growth and the bottom line.”
That said, after surveying, developing the media website, and posting the educational YouTube video, there’s still one more step: promoting it all online through an effective press release. Do this, they say, and you’ll really raise the volume of the buzz.
“When the news goes live, that’s when the online hits heat up, search engine visibility rises, pay per clicks pay off, and your entire online marketing strategy generates good ROI,” Livingston says. “Now that’s the buzz you want!”