Campaign Ads: Appealing to Women?
This is a case of two very different campaigns. The first, claiming a War on Women, manages to focus on only one issue. Unfortunately, it’s not the issue of jobs, nor is it the issue of respect. No, it is a campaign filled with sexual innuendo (remember Vote With Your Body Parts?), often seemingly aimed at the teen age boy block.
I present to you example one. Please know that this mom found the ad offensive and derogatory. It’s all about instant gratification. They say, it’s the times we live in. I’d like to think otherwise…
The second campaign is much more professional. They offer women in a positive role model, in high ranking jobs who are respected even when they have differing opinions. As you watch this ad you think these are women you’d like your daughter’s to emulate. Strong and effective, working together towards a common goal.
Some might say the campaign is a bit dull. I’d like to think otherwise…
There you have it. Two campaigns looking at women in very different light. What do you think? Your vote on November 6 will let you judge.
The video from the Obama campaign was disturbing, to say the least!!!
“I can tell you it only hurts for a minute and then it feels just great.”
-Ronald Reagan on voting Republican for the first time.
I am waiting patiently for the Republican Party to retrain their anger on Reagan, since I think it’s a little bit ickier when a 70-year-old man makes a joke of a woman’s virginity (especially one that is considerably more graphic and raw) than a 26-year-old young woman.
Yeah, because this election is all bout Obama vs. Reagan…
Well, considering the most positive comparisons of Romney are that he somehow embodies Reagan, I don’t think that is an out-of-bounds observation. Indeed, I think there is no small amount of hypocrisy when questions of the appropriateness of a Democrat’s ad are made when one of the lions of the Republican party not only opened that door years ago, but opened it far wider and far tackier.
Thanks for your comments Jon. I have a few thoughts on them.
~As a woman I would consider the five second quip by Reagan inappropriate. However,
~As a young adult 30 years ago I can attest to a much different attitude back then. Not saying such talk should be accepted but that it was a different era. It’s the same as slang words that were common place years ago yet are today considered improper.
~Comparing team Romney to team Obama I think would give a more more fair observation of today’s standards.