But… There Is No Voter Fraud, Right?
The most common argument heard from those against voter integrity laws is that “there is no voter fraud.” Here’s a short list from the last 2 years that proves their theory wrong… dead wrong.
Arkansas – Two and one half hours prior to Former President Bill Clinton took the stage at the Democrat National Convention, a Police Official, Democratic State Representative, a City Councilwoman were arrested in an absentee balloting scandal in Clinton’s home state of Arkansas. Since that date, those three and 5 others have been charged with 45+ counts related to voter fraud.
Iowa – State Police arrested 3 individuals for allegedly committing voter fraud. 2 Canadian nationals and 1 Mexican national now face charges.
Maryland – Democratic Congressional Candidate Wendy Rosen dropped out of her race for state office when it was revealed she had voted twice in 4 elections, once in person and the other via absentee ballot.
Massachusetts – Jack Villamaino, a selectmen in East Longmeadow and former candidate for State Representative, and his girlfriend have been charged with at least 9 counts of absentee voter fraud.
Florida – The Tampa Bay Times reports a school board member Abra Hill Johnson, Supervisor of Elections Jada Woods Williams and 7 others have been part of a large absentee voting scandal. Johnson won her seat on the school board by just 28 votes.
Texas – Fort Bend County Commissioner’s Court candidate and Republican Precinct Chairman Bruce Fleming has cast ballots in both Texas and Pennsylvania in the last three federal elections.
All of the above cases have taken place in recent years, yet opponents to voter integrity laws will continue to claim there is no voter fraud. As if the above cases weren’t proof enough, the culture of cheating in America has become rampant. Evidenced in undercover videos released by Project Veritas, voter fraud isn’t just possible, it’s happening. And far too many are turning a blind eye.
To learn more about the voter fraud investigation by Project Veritas, click here.
To learn more about how to stop voter fraud in Minnesota, click here.
To read the story of a woman registered to vote in 2 states, click here.
Okay, well, just to be sure everyone is on the same page…When Republicans took measures to combat voter fraud, most (if not all) of those measures combated in-person voter fraud, which, again is far more rare. Even in this article most of the fraud deals with absentee voter fraud.