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Right on target! And as much as in pains me to say this, I think we’re in for four more years.
Thank you Jim
So since everyone is required by Federal requirement to show a photo ID to get health care, according to the far left license it is then ok to deprive the elderly and poor of health care but not ok to deprive them of voting. Shame on the wacky left for depriving the elderly and poor of health care.
Thank you for the comment.
So good and so-o-o true, Tony!
Thank you Alan
You prove that laughter is good medicine & with your creations I don’t cry as much
Thank you Jan
I wish I had known about your cartoons before now. Mr. Branco. They are a delight — despite the tragic nature of some of the topics.
Someone sent me some golden ones from 2010 about certain “apologies” and a special, inflammatory “book,” so I had to look you up.
Thanks for bringing a sane perspective to the people in such a talented, entertaining and honest way.
Right on target! And as much as in pains me to say this, I think we’re in for four more years.
Thank you Jim
So since everyone is required by Federal requirement to show a photo ID to get health care, according to the far left license it is then ok to deprive the elderly and poor of health care but not ok to deprive them of voting. Shame on the wacky left for depriving the elderly and poor of health care.
Thank you for the comment.
So good and so-o-o true, Tony!
Thank you Alan
You prove that laughter is good medicine & with your creations I don’t cry as much
Thank you Jan
I wish I had known about your cartoons before now. Mr. Branco. They are a delight — despite the tragic nature of some of the topics.
Someone sent me some golden ones from 2010 about certain “apologies” and a special, inflammatory “book,” so I had to look you up.
Thanks for bringing a sane perspective to the people in such a talented, entertaining and honest way.
Thank you D. Good to have you here.