
After Nearly 4yrs Obama: Here’s My Jobs Plan

Maybe this time it will work? Maybe this time the jobs will actually be ‘shovel ready’?

After three years and ten months President Obama has finally found the jobs plan that will get this country back on the right track. Or so he says.

LA Times: DELRAY BEACH, Fla. — President Obama unveiled a glossy new 20-page magazine on his plan for the country Tuesday morning, waving it before a crowd here and pledging it will “actually move America forward.”

The new document is based on the case Obama has been making for his reelection for weeks now and includes charts reflecting positive economic data and an outline for strengthening the economy. The Republican National Committee dismissed it this morning as mere “repackaging,” and Romney spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg said it was just a collection of “failed policies.”

“The president is just doubling down on the same policies that have led to a stagnant economy, greater government dependency, and trillion-dollar deficits,” Henneberg said. “Mitt Romney has a ‘Plan for a Stronger Middle Class’ that will create 12-million new jobs, lift people out of poverty, and deliver a real recovery to the American people.”

CNN news anchor Erin Burnett took a look at the new plan. She’s impressed with the high gloss paper and finds it pretty to look at but she also thinks it might just be more of the same. A plan without real job creation, one with questionable math and a plan that includes actions already in the works.

Team Obama admits that this is a last minute ploy to attract voters. The 20 page pamphlet  will be mailed to 3.5 million  households and millions more are expected to be  handed out door to door.

Take a look at this clip and share it with your swing state friends who still might be on the fence.

And if you want your own copy get it here.

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Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch. Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at https://ramblinroseaz.wordpress.com/ and follow along.

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  1. I seem to recall that Obama had a jobs plan last year, but it didn’t fit Mitch McConnell’s “one-term president” vision for America.

    1. You mean the American Jobs Act? Held up by Reid until McConnell asked for a vote? Didn’t get enough Dem support because too many saw it as the son of stimulus costing ave $200K per job.

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