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Today’s Yahoo/ABC Hit Piece

Yahoo News and ABC News, two dependable card carrying members of the “progressive” Party Pravda, completely ignore spreading violence in the Islamist world, the White House cover up of the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack and Barack Obama’s decision to appear on a daytime talk show rather than meet with world leaders.

Nothing to see here folks, keep moving along.

Instead, they focus the Yahoo website headline on attacking GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney.  This is done by using an ABC News/Washington Post poll to “report” that criticism of Romney’s campaign has grown.  The poll of 1,012 adults claims that sixty-one percent of those asked rated his efforts negatively.  Poll results show that number has risen by twelve percentage points since mid-July.

The poll also shows that a majority of Americans have an unfavorable view of Romney’s comments about the forty seven percent who pay no income taxes.

The article then gushes all over Obama’s positive grades for handling his presidential campaign.


Leave it to the “progressive” Party Pravda to use their online footprint to “nudge” voters leftward in Obama’s direction based solely on polling information about how the two candidates are running their campaign.

Never mind the lack of jobs.  Never mind the consistently high unemployment, never mind pocket book crippling inflation at the grocery store, the gas pump, or on the family electricity bill.  Forget about the rising cost of college tuition or escalating healthcare premiums.  That there are Islamist countries around the globe burning American flags, burning Obama in effigy, while attacking American embassies and consulates is not important.  Having four Americans, including the ambassador to Libya, butchered in a premeditated terrorist attack on 9/11 is just a “bump in the road”.

What is important is to indoctrinate low information voters into judging the two presidential candidates based on how a handful of voters, carefully selected by ABC News and the Washington Post, view the way the two candidates are running their campaigns.

That makes understanding the presidential race more like watching American Idol or Dancing with the Stars, something those who are not fortunate enough to be included among the “intellectual elite” can comprehend.

Of course, if you believe those 1,012 voters have in no way been influenced by the openly biased reporting of Yahoo News, ABC News and the Washington Post you are seriously prone to stating that Brian Williams is a straight shooter…and to buying more snake oil from a certain salesman hailing from Hawaii, by way of Indonesia, by way of Chicago.


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