Obama Flag “Our Stripes”
Want your very own American Flag printed version? Well Barack Obama and his campaign site are selling their very own version. That is right, President Obama and his team of artists have created a newer version of the American flag. This new “Our Stripes” flags replaces President Obama’s Forward logo with the 50 stars on the American flag. Now, among the many items that are being sold on the Barack Obama campaign website. This flag, “Our Stripes” is being sold for 35 dollars each, along with many other items targeted for different groups of Americans. There are T-Shirts, stickers, prints, buttons, pens and notepads.
There have been observations that since President Obama has been in office about his understand of the “American Traditions” and respect for the flag. This is not the first that President Obama has had different flags with either his face on it, or his logo either. This has been a trend with Obama and his Campaign, that it was caught trending on Twitter when this new flag was released. Michelle Malkin, who is a great conservative warrior has a website Twitchy.com who has captured the story and responses from the twitter community.
Leave our flag alone! Let the leir in chiefs flag go down with him! His is as ugly as he is! Half as ugly as his imposter wife in chief!
Seriously? How is this sooooo different from run of the mill party flags that use star and stripes motifs? This is pathetic fake outrage.
This is real outrage. You know why? This isn’t using “star and stripes motifs”. This has the 13 stripes and in the place of the stars is Obama’s logo. So what does this mean? Well, as Obama is against state’s rights, he is replacing 50 stars with his logo, get it? Basically, no states, just one country…under Obama.
…I count 8 stripes, but, okay. Be outraged.
Well Obama meant for it to have 13, but he can’t count. He did say that he had been to 57 states during his first campaign. How could anyone ever elect someone who doesn’t even know how many states there are?
And of course, there’s this, that explains everything alittle better: https://www.theblaze.com/stories/obama-campaign-actually-replaces-50-stars-on-american-flag-with-campaign-o-logo/