Klobuchar is “Minnesota Nice” …in name only!

Should a sitting senator be praising a 9/11 truther?

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) is often billed as the “Minnesota-nice” senator who makes great hot dish. She is soft spoken and is quick to flash an unassuming smile. It’s a great cover for a woman who pals around with communist revolutionaries, George Soros lackeys and union thugs who would like to destroy capitalism and the American way of life.

At a Labor Day weekend event hosted by Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) and headlined by 9/11 truther, self-described communist revolutionary and disgraced former White House advisor Van Jones, Sen Klobuchar spoke to a crowd of about 50-75 union members, campaign staffers and activists. She began her prepared remarks with a story of a Chicago women’s conference where she and 2,000 other women swooned for Van Jones.

Along with union powerhouse and president of Soros-backed Center for American Progress John Podesta, Jones and Klobuchar were speakers at an event called “Good Jobs, Green Jobs” in 2009. It’s unclear whether she was referring to this event as Klobuchar has appeared several times with Jones.

Van Jones has long been a 9/11 truther and signed a petition/statement blaming the Bush administration for the attacks. Jones is seen in this video (click link) at the 4:38 mark speaking at a rally on September 12, 2001 where speakers openly blame Americans for the 9/11 attacks. Jones claims, “We have something stronger than bombs; we have solidarity. That dream of revolutionary change is stronger than bombs.”

Jones has a rather lengthy history of radical behavior and hateful rhetoric as seen here: In His Own Words.
One of the more notable quotes is as follows:

“I’m willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of the radical ends.” – Van Jones

Klobuchar spoke to a reporter with the Associated Press recently where she spoke of the upcoming election.

“Reach out to independents and to Republicans. Find the common ground,” she said. “Because when the choice is so stark as it is in this election, you will find friends and supporters in places you never expected to find them.”

Senator Kloubuchar has obviously chosen to align with a radical 9/11 truther who seeks revolution to change the American way of life. Is that really who Minnesotans want representing them on Capitol Hill?

Klobuchar’s press secretary did not immediately return phone calls for comment.
See Van Jones bash republicans at the same event and claim that republicans would “let people drown on the beach.” View the video here: Van Jones Doubles Down

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