GoldwaterGal Gives 405 Radio Listeners an Earful on Akin
GoldwaterGal Liz Harrison gave a sharp, edgy interview to radio host John Grant on Saturday, who came on the 405 live show along with NewsNinja Wayne Dupree and Loudmouthed Elephant’s “Mike.” Todd Akin was slashed and burned by GoldwaterGal, who has no love lost for social conservatives.
Campaign vet Harrison took Akin to task for allowing his son to help run his campaign and for making amateurish statements in the fallout of his “legitimate rape” comment. For further context of her view on the Akin situation, check out her article “Vote for Todd Akin for Senate.”
Listen to the provocative hour-long radio interview, check out Liz Harrison’s blog at, and follow her on Twitter @goldwatergal. She’s never short of smart commentary on controversial political issues.
Thanks for coming on Liz. Hope you did not feel like you were in SoCo occupied territory. We take all comers when it comes to regime change in November. That’s the big prize, no?