Touré’s Absurd Conclusions About Romney’s NAACP Speech
Matthew Balan of Newsbusters posted a very curious/nauseating story about left-winger and 9/11 truther Touré Neblett’s new theory surrounding why Romney really wanted to address the NAACP this week. Apparently, Romney purposely wanted to be booed to”elicit an emotional reaction from white voters.” In Touré’s absurd piece in Time magazine, he states:
Why would he bother going to the NAACP convention to get booed? Because the real audience wasn’t in the room. He wanted to be booed by that black audience so that white conservatives — who still don’t see him as one of them — and white undecideds would see that he’s unafraid to talk down to black people, to offend them, to be their villain, to make them boo. The result is that he comes off looking tough or gains sympathy. Either way, he gets a soundbite that will bounce through the cable news echo chamber and elicit an emotional reaction from white voters. Romney’s performance wasn’t intended to win more black votes, it was intended to help win more white votes.
Tim Alberta of the conservative-leaning National Journal read Romney’s performance in heroic terms rarely applied to this candidate. “With the critical eyes of the political world resting squarely upon him, Romney marched defiantly into the lion’s den and delivered a speech that was direct, assertive and dispassionate,” Alberta wrote. So blacks, in this analogy, are ferocious wild animals who should be feared, only tameable by the most fearless of men, which, Romney supposedly proved he is by facing them down and talking tough.
In the words of Piers Morgan, “what a load of fatuous nonsense.”
The liberal spin machine has been on for so long, I think its got a screw loose. The Democrat desperation is palpable.
The NAACP is the black KKK; a hate-filled RACIST group that should be banned.
Toure who? I’m still trying to figure out why anyone pays attention to whoever he is, and who propped him up as some kind of political authority in the first place.