Ellison’s Campaign Cash Hypocrisy
Representative Keith Ellison has been making a public push lately to get “money out of politics.” According to Ellison, there are far too many donors contributing money to political campaigns outside their own districts.
“In a state of only six million people, $60 million was poured into the race, $50 million of which went to Governor Walker. And almost half of that was spend by outside groups — most of them not based in the state of Wisconsin.” – Rep. Keith Ellison, Huffington Post Op-Ed, June 2012
The congressman is up for reelection this year and has raised over $1 million for his 2012 bid. Ellison holds a significant fundraising advantage over his competitor, retired Marine Chris Fields.
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This from a Congressman who won’t even use his proper Muslim name? Nothing more than the pot calling the kettle black (no pun intended). How very disingenuous!