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My heart and prayers go out to all. Such a sad, sad day.
Amen Bronx
Nicely Done, Tony.
Thank you Dell.. Always good to hear from you.
Today’s A.F.Branco Drawing…. Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims and their families of that senseless massacre in Aurora Colorado.
Thank You for a moving way to say we are praying for those affected by the tragedy in CO.
Your art always touches the right note.
Thank you Ruth.. Very sad day for Colorado, for America, and for civilization.
Talented and timely tribute.
Thank you Cheryl
Wonderful tribute Al!
Thank you Peter… A very sad day.
You captured the pain of us all Al. Thank you.
Thank you G..
Aurora in Portuguese means the breaking of Dawn,
Too bad that even in Colorado liberal progressive FAILURE are eroding the 2nd Amendment, if some in that theater were ARMED maybe some of those that died would have been able to see the Aurora of the next day…
GOOGLE – Randi Shannon – Wake Up Sheople
Thank you RR, for your comment. Guns save more lives than are taken.
A poignant tribute to a dark day. The “heart” bat light shining thru the night sky is a heartfelt touch. All of America is feeling the pain of such a savage attack. My condolences to the victims and their families. Great work, Tony!
Thank you Valorie.. Yes a very sad day.
God Bless you, you always know what to draw. This tribute is wonderful! The Dark Knight is saddened with the rest of us. Its a shame that noone in the audience was armed. I would hate to see that SOB try that crap in Tx. He would have been filled with holes and sent to hell where he belongs
My heart and prayers go out to all. Such a sad, sad day.
Amen Bronx
Nicely Done, Tony.
Thank you Dell.. Always good to hear from you.
Today’s A.F.Branco Drawing…. Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims and their families of that senseless massacre in Aurora Colorado.
Thank You for a moving way to say we are praying for those affected by the tragedy in CO.
Your art always touches the right note.
Thank you Ruth.. Very sad day for Colorado, for America, and for civilization.
Talented and timely tribute.
Thank you Cheryl
Wonderful tribute Al!
Thank you Peter… A very sad day.
You captured the pain of us all Al. Thank you.
Thank you G..
Aurora in Portuguese means the breaking of Dawn,
Too bad that even in Colorado liberal progressive FAILURE are eroding the 2nd Amendment, if some in that theater were ARMED maybe some of those that died would have been able to see the Aurora of the next day…
GOOGLE – Randi Shannon – Wake Up Sheople
Thank you RR, for your comment. Guns save more lives than are taken.
A poignant tribute to a dark day. The “heart” bat light shining thru the night sky is a heartfelt touch. All of America is feeling the pain of such a savage attack. My condolences to the victims and their families. Great work, Tony!
Thank you Valorie.. Yes a very sad day.
God Bless you, you always know what to draw. This tribute is wonderful! The Dark Knight is saddened with the rest of us. Its a shame that noone in the audience was armed. I would hate to see that SOB try that crap in Tx. He would have been filled with holes and sent to hell where he belongs