MSNBC’s Ed Shultz: Walker could be indicted
Within minutes of every major news agency calling the Wisconsin recall election for Gov. Walker, MSNBC put their village idiot and resident union worshiper on the screen to give hope to hopeless progressives. Ed first plants the idea that money won the election because of a large in-flux of out-of-state money (no, I don’t think he means all that out-of-state union money.. or the money from the DNC.. ). He then goes on to say that Gov. Walker might be indicted in the next few days. Wow..
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Eddie Shultz is nothing more than a horse’s ass.
Could it be that Fat boy union thug Ed Shultz might be indicted for molesting little boys?
Is it possible that Ed Shultz is gay and helped Jerry Sandusky rape little boys?
These are serious questions that need answers since Ed Shultz might be doing his show from Solodad prison, a namesake for a fellow biased commie prog commenter on TV.
I watched this windbag talk live on TV in a bar in Madison. They will come up with any excuse to distance themselves from the painful reality that they lost big time. This has huge implications for the November presidential race.