ABC’s Questionable “News” on Rubio
Florida Senator and rising GOP superstar Marco Rubio got a gut-punch today when ABC’s Jonathan Karl dropped an opinion piece on the media giant’s news website insinuating that Rubio is not being considered by the Romney VP search team.
“…knowledgable Republican sources tell me that Rubio is not being vetted…” says Karl. “He has not been asked to complete any questionnaires or been asked to turn over any financial documents typically required of potential vice presidential candidates.”
Coincidentally, Rubio’s autobiography American Son was released just hours before Karl dropped his baseless and anonymous claims. He is also scheduled to appear at a fundraiser for a Romney PAC. Karl’s timing is interesting, to say the least.
Other ABC “News” commentators and quasi-reporters picked up on the piece and spun off multiple blog posts, “reports” and Twitter updates within hours.
The Karl piece cites no specific informant, and more importantly, makes no direct assertion that Rubio is not on the short list of potential running mate. In fact, if you can stomach reading the piece to the middle paragraphs you will find the Romney campaign and Rubio have refused any official comments, despite the misleading headline.
So because he hasn’t submitted reports and the campaign refuses to say anything publicly, Rubio is automatically off the short list? It’s only June… Karl has successfully created a news story out of thin air.
Asking leading questions and making insinuating remarks is not “news.” ABC has committed journalistic fraud by asserting there is a story where there is none.
Marco rubio he is a republicans window dress imimgration reform crap