Unaccountable Delegation Leads to Disaster
We have become a society of delegation with no accountability. We delegate that which is our responsibility and that delegation then turns into replacement. Let me explain what I mean. Delegation has its place. Good leaders delegate responsibilities and tasks to workers under their authority. Delegation gives a boss the freedom to focus on other things. Delegation can be effective, but delegation without accountability can be disastrous. Plus, some things cannot nor should not be delegated.
The structure of our government depends on representative delegation, which ensures we remain a republic and not become a pure democracy. In other words, we elect representatives and trust them to express the mind of the people when making laws to live under. We the people delegate this work to Congress, but we seldom hold our representatives accountable. Representatives are supposed to vote the mind of their constituents, but when they vote contrary to the will of the people, and the voters do not hold them accountable, this delegation becomes a signed blank check.
But some things can’t be delegated. In certain areas, responsibilities should not be passed down to others.
As a whole we have delegated, even relegated certain responsibilities which has resulted in disaster for the family, church, society and the nation. Notice, some of the delegations below:
(1) Mothers have delegated nurturing, substituting “mothercare” with daycare.
(2) Parents have delegated their children’s education to institutions (public and private) by not teaching their children at home first, if not completely, through home education. Even parents who send their children to institutions for education are still responsible to provide sound instruction first in the home, as the foundation for all education. This includes academic and moral instruction. For most children today, all instruction is done outside the home. When instruction is done outside the home, parents are to hold those institutions accountable for what they do or do not teach, and are responsible to ensure the education is quality.
(3) We have delegated all spiritual and moral instruction to the church, but this responsibility belongs primarily to the parents. Church is essential, but spiritual and moral instruction from the local church supplements and validates instruction from the home.
Through passage of time, delegation becomes relegation (abandonment), which then turns into abdication (resignation, relinquishment of power). This natural course then leads to replacement. Is it any wonder then, that society has turned upside down over the past 50 years and black has become white and white has become black? The Old Testament prophet said, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!” Isaiah 5:20, 21. Notice the replacement that has resulted in many areas:
We have replaced this Republic with a Democracy.
We have replaced the Constitution with the Supreme Court.
We have replaced God with government.
We have replaced civil rights with discriminating quotas.
We have replaced the right to life for the innocent with the right of the woman to choose death.
We have replaced empirical science with a theory called evolution.
We have replaced education with schooling.
We have replaced love with sex.
We have replaced abstinence with safe sex.
We have replaced that which is normal (heterosexuality) with abnormal perversion (homosexuality).
We have replaced salvation with church membership.
We have replaced absolutes with relativism.
We have replaced common sense with irrational thinking.
We have replaced peace with pacifism.
We have replaced benevolence with welfare.
We have replaced our diverse heritage with multiculturalism.
We have replaced the authorized version of scripture with a myriad of incomplete, inferior versions.
May God open our eyes and bolster us with the courage to replace the replacements with that which we already know to be the tried-and-true foundation. Contrary to popular opinion, seeking the old paths is not bad.
Joseph Harris, joey@stupidpoliticians.com has been a college professor and pastor since 1987 and his writings have appeared on stupidpoliticians.com, WND, Sword of the Lord, Intellectual Conservative, Conservative Daily News, Canada Free Press, Land of the Free, The Post Chronicle and News America Daily.