Personhood USA: Romney Was Not Forced to Provide Free Abortions in Romneycare
WASHINGTON, May 24, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ — Two of the nation’s leading pro-abortion political groups recently alleged that GOP presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney has endorsed full legal personhood for every human being from the moment our lives begin, at fertilization. In response, Personhood USA was obliged to examine the presidential contender’s record on life issues, and note that Romney was the only Republican candidate not to sign the group’s Presidential Pledge.
In an article appearing in the Christian Post, a group supporting the Romney campaign alleged that, in signing the 2006 Massachusetts Health Care Reform Act, Romney was forced to endorse taxpayer-funded, elective abortion by prior decisions of the state Supreme Court.
However, reporting on a bill signed into law by Romney that expanded access to the “morning after pill,” an October 2005 Boston Globe article quoted Richard Powers, spokesman for the Executive Office of Health and Human Services. “Abortions would not be covered under the waiver. Under a court ruling, they are covered under the state’s Medicaid program only when deemed medically necessary,” he said.
The court opinions verify Power’s statement. Both the 1981 and 1997 decisions instruct the state to pay for what they termed “medically necessary” and not elective abortion.
A new Gallup poll released yesterday finds that those who self-identify as “pro-choice” has fallen to an all-time low of 41%, while those using the term “pro-life” to describe themselves has risen significantly in recent years to a steady 50% of the electorate. The 9 point gap ties as the largest lead for the pro-life movement since the company began asking the question.
“Just as the abortion lobby demands that Obama act as pro-abortion as possible, even filing suit when there is a policy disagreement, the pro-life movement must demand definitive answers from candidates identifying as pro-life,” said Keith Mason, President of Personhood USA. “As advocates for the rights of all people, we are deeply disturbed by the loss of life, and not concerned about currying favor. Our position is clear, candidates who want the votes of America’s pro-life majority can no longer simply say they are pro-life, they must act pro-life.”