Editorial Cartoons

Obama Deflecting


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A.F. Branco

Political cartoonist extraordinaire! Readers will now be able to enjoy his razor-sharp political humor on a regular basis.

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  1. Perfect! In addition to your outstanding artistic talent you are so perceptive about real issues.

  2. Another good one.

    Gee…one would think his ears alone, would be enough of an unbrella for him 🙂 Just how does he walk around without them flapping in the breeze? Sorry, I Couldn’t resist. 🙂

  3. the economy is coming along slowly but not fast enough for anyone unemployed and or suffering. killing bin laden deserves the ultimate kudos, gay marriage well you said ” where is the change” this is it. first president to support a issue of civil rights of this magnitude. class envy no class fairness at least and the rich should pay more because they have more and have been sucking the poor and getting welfare for years, enough is enough. let them stick a probe up your vagina and then say this is not a war against women. ending planned parenthood, free, clinics yeah this is a war. if you don’t have a defense, and are being attacked its war.

    1. The rich probably wouldn’t mind paying more if the 50% with their hands out would pay even one dollar to show their appreciation for assistance. When half of all Americans pay nothing and children of illegals earn a huge tax credit which is often mailed to other countries, there is irritation among middle class taxpayers too!

  4. Great one, Antonio! Too bad he doesn’t have more appendages to carry all the other umbrellas and excuses.

  5. What will be his next distraction?
    Tony, you need to draw one like this using the non-war on non-terrorism

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