Editorial Cartoons

Inmate vs Obama


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A.F. Branco

Political cartoonist extraordinaire! Readers will now be able to enjoy his razor-sharp political humor on a regular basis.

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  1. I love it!!

    I believe the voters in West Virgina have sumed up the feelings of our country quite well.

  2. obama is more intelligent than the inmate who ran for office, for satire it’s cute. in reality foreign policy, decisions etc. get real.

    1. TinaTB says:
      May 11, 2012 at 5:49 pm
      Uhhhhh… “voice”…. in reality, what’s disturbing is that we have a sitting president that is so derelict in his duties that federal prisoner COULD get 40% of the vote against him as a WRITE IN CANDIDATE.

      There’s a reality check for ya.

      As far as foreign policy & decisions of national security importance, I’d trust almost anyone ahead of a man who will appoint members of the Muslim Brotherhood to some of the highest appointments possible in our government.

      So yeah, “get real”.

  3. Uhhhhh… “voice”…. in reality, what’s disturbing is that we have a sitting president that is so derelict in his duties that federal prisoner COULD get 40% of the vote against him as a WRITE IN CANDIDATE.

    There’s a reality check for ya.

    As far as foreign policy & decisions of national security importance, I’d trust almost anyone ahead of a man who will appoint members of the Muslim Brotherhood to some of the highest appointments possible in our government.

    So yeah, “get real”.

  4. It would be even more telling if the inmate wins the general election for president across the country as a write-in candidate.

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